Another prime 2D

We do have a lot of members; God forbid that we don’t have ONE guy who speaks French.

Well, of course I speak a bit of French…I understand it better than I can speak it, though. I’m in French 2 this year at his high school, but I had a fair knowledge of the language before I took French 1 three years ago. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not to get off topic a bit, but I’m going to take French one next year, then French 2.

french is my native language! except my spelling is terrible… :frowning:

We have a winner.

Did you see any interesting that we missed/mistranslated?

I speak french >_>
Mais c’est une langue tr?s difficile… 10 years of french training and I still have much trouble with it…

I’ve seen this version of p2d before, like a year ago. I wonder if it’s still being worked on. It would be cool to compare both demos…

Yes! French guy!

It would. Dont they have a forum somewhere? Mabye we could do some snooping around, they prolly know all about us.

Je parle aussi fran?ais comme premi?re langue les gars. C’est comme ?a que j’ai trouv? l’autre P2D!
Je suis donc probablement votre francophone de service.

Note to self: Quit showing off.
PS: I’m not french.

Mmmm… P2D? Game Maker? That logo? (that for some reason seems similar to an old logo of yours I dug up at some site?.. oops, forgot the parenthesis :smiley: )

I think I know where this guy gets his ideas… :sweat:

Or it is a really far-fetched coincidence… or worse! gulps :O_O:

Too Bad they taught Portuguese and not French in that school lesson 2 years ago, im good at languages, so i would?ve gotten the hang of it quickly.

Salut !
Si quelqu’un parle fran?ais, qu’il traduise mes paroles ^^ J’ai la flemme de parler anglais …
Bon mettons les choses au clair tout de suite, quand j’ai commenc? mon jeu, je ne savais pas qu’il y avait un autre Prime 2D, donc je n’ai absolument rien vol? ou copi? ! Surtout que je l’ai commenc? il y a 6 mois !
Voil? le vrai lien de mon topic :
Prime 2D
Je ne vous ai jamais copi? et je ne vous copierai jamais ! Qu’il n’y est pas de malentendu ^^
Voil?, ensuite vous aimez ou vous aimez pas … =)
Sinon, mon jeu est avanc? mais les screens ne le montre pas vraiment … Et puis faut dire que je suis tout seul ? faire mon jeu …
J’aimerai aussi que l’on ne soit pas en conflit, je ne fais pas de comp?tition, je ne veux pas que nous soyons rivaux ! Il faut faire un jeu avec plaisir …
A +++

So I know a little bit of Spanish, and a word or two of French, but I still don’t understand. Sounds like he’s saying he only speaks French, something about English, “I didn’t know there was another Prime 2D.” And I can’t figure out if he’s saying “I don’t want to be your rival,” but I’m pretty sure that’s what he said.

Hey fellow Metroid fan, I find your language somewhat fascinating.

BabelFish translation:

BabelFish isn’t perfect, obviously, but it’s understandable.


Hey, I’m learning French, and I understood salut! I win.


if someone here speaks french, i would like them to translate what i am saying^^i suck at english…
well, lets clear things up right away,when i started my game,i didn’t know that there was another Prime 2d, so i did not steal or copy anything!Especially since i started it 6 months ago!
Here is the real link to my topic:
Prime 2D
I never copied you and i will never copy you!I hope there are no misunderstandings^^
there,either you like it or not…=)
My game is advanced but the screens dont show it…to think i’m the only one making my game…
I would also like that we don’t conflict with each other,i dont want competition,i dont want us to be rivals! we have to make a game with pleasure…
A +++


lulz, grabs torch and pitchfork

im bilingual so i can follow that french project aswell :stuck_out_tongue: