*** Artifacts of the Month ***

THATS what you meant!

now look in my sig, the rundas quote

Well, I need help with finishing this animation off: I’ve tried to finish the “S” on that frame but I’m struggling, plus I don’t know how to do the next set of frames…
I also tested the animation (through GM), sorted the light source for it and checked how it ran, and I didn’t like it (not smooth enough to my liking, which also meant I didn’t save the modified one at an angle).
I’ve just noticed that they’re a pixel short… thanks :s
This is also my first attempt at doing a rotation, and I lack a lot of practice and experience in animation, so that’s another why I’m finding it hard. :confused:
So basically I’ve got problems getting the right frames and making them properly. That’s why I need help. Thanks!

Ah, update:

Mmm, JPG =P

Yeah, animations are hard.

I would stick with no additional S for now and double the frames on the base. The way it works out, I think that would only require two additional frames, flipped and used more than once, with possibly some adjusted lighting.

The process I use to smooth out animations starts with making each frame without worrying much about how well the sheet will animate, as long as it looks like it could animate. Then I watch the animation and laugh about how jerky it is. Then I make some adjustments, without worrying much about how well the individual frames look that I adjusted, and watch the animation again (perhaps slowly). Make adjustments, watch animation, repeat. I think the key is ignoring how individual frames look when making adjustments for the animation.

After smoothing out the base, copy those sprites into a new row, or sheet, or whatever, and add the rest of the S to them, smoothing that out as well.

Okay, I was going off-course before :slight_smile:
Will try to create another set of frames!

Textured it more, made angled ones by cheating–took screenshots from a custom C++ program. Don’t worry, I’ll fix them up to look like normal pixel art. I have to make the cylinder in the center stick out anyway.

bleh i didn’t realize they were supposed to be same-ish… i just kinda made it. great and now i dont have access to MP now anyway :frowning:

There’s Youtube I guess… But carry on working on it, make it even more recognisable :wink:
->Troid92: Nice!

ok there are three songs in this video. i’m guessing you want the last one?

Oh… I thought you were doing this one.
Anyway, good luck in doing it!

Oh that explains a lot. I thought he was doing the credits song too.

ok, ive failed repeatedly at shading that platform <_<
anyone else wanna give it a shot?

orb things?

I would do the platform something like this:

You have to remember to keep true to the light source, even though in this case it is difficult to make it look round that way.

im bad with round anyway xD

and thats like 7039473 times better then mine xP

maybe it’s just me but that phazon looks WAY too noisy. (the repeating background, not the edges)
It’d look okay if you only show a small part of it without letting it tile but as it is now it’s too much imo.


oh and /platform

Edit button’s there for a reason, you know. >_>


thanks, i thought of something real after
and yeah <_<;

That looks far better. 4 colours on rock, 2 on ice and 3 on the reactor’s spot on. Maybe a bit more contrast.

sounds familiar XD