*** Artifacts of the Month ***

Subsequent off-topicness deleted

Back on topic or you all join Mr. Martyr. :>_>:

Fuck it, I’ll take a week off.

I doubt I’ll ever understand you. :confused:

nobody ever will

and as for on topic
i didnt get much to go by on my Phazon

so once more, how does it look now?

Yet again, awesome. Work on the bubbles a bit though, because those MOVE. Like there’s some underlay thing that swirls around them. Don’t know if were being THAT picky, but hey its worth mentioning right?

I don’t know, theres something about that just doesn’t seem…right maybe its just my monitor but the colours seem weird

some people brought up some good points over at Pixelation…

Should we go with prime being in the background?

Question remains.

Also, I shalt dissapear for quite some time. We got report cards…and I’m failing a class, so goodbye.

bad news man

i was right

prime is bent down quite a bit… but…

your size is massive, your shape is off
i now have the Prime 3D model at my disposal!

though legally im not sure if i shuld either have it or disturbute it <_<

smoothed version of last pic

h4xx0red mp eh?

wanted to mess with the models
for the crysis mod
then i thought Metroid Prime for epic reference!
then i wondered how big it was compared


hell, even my size is off!

I need a sprite assignment NAO
P2D must be done.

Ill upload the pics of the plasma processing pipes, and you can get started on those. (Im not a director, but hey its something to do.)

To the nearest Mod/Admin:

Who’s in charge of this topic now?

And Rundas, I’d like to help with those pipes if you decide to do them.

You never know when you need the top of it…
Also have pics of the Plasma Beam Upgrade if needed.
Also, these were taken with my iPhone, so sorry for the crap quality. Just copy it to your desktop, and shrink em a bit, and they look fantastic.

feel free Phlake
do it over AIM please? <.<
and Ashes, can you make them any bigger? @_@

Those are some nice pics! Can’t wait to see what the sprites are going to look like!

Rundas, yes. They can be bigger. When I find my 7 Megapixel camera. can you say 3000x2000 rez?

It’s just too bad the GameCube outputs a resolution of 720x480…

Its mostly at 640x480 though. New play control will fix that.(sorta)