Can you find the hidden message in this post?

First answer mine and I’ll consider yours.

You guys are thinking too hard about it too. The answer’s right there if you look hard enough.

Does that mean directly at the beginning and end?
RIDDLE: Find the pattern and PM me.

To SewersofZebes’s riddle: You are Death.

A Riddle: There is a place called the green room. You must find out what is in the green room. These are some examples of things that are in the green room and that are not in the green room.

Theres soccer,basketball,football, and baseball but, there is no sports. :>_>:

Theres green, and yellow in the green room but no color. :>_>:

There is wood in the green room but there are no forests. :>_>:

If you get it right, I`ll give you a cookie! :mrgreen:

Aura the answer is: Thats not possible because theres 8 letters and there is no middle of 8! :naughty:

Completely wrong. Death as an adjective is mentioned, but none of the qualities refer to the action or the mythical figure. I’ll give you all hints.

1: It is a tangible object, one with which you probably interact daily.

2: It is quite scary to be in a dark room with one of these and a dim flashlight aiming in the wrong direction…

3: For you flower metallers, I refer you to Blind Guardian’s discography. It’s mentioned at least twice in the song titles alone.

4: As if I hadn’t given it away already…perhaps you should go to any carnival or fair and look for yourself. This is a riddle in itself, good luck figuring it out, though it is the same answer as the original riddle. :slight_smile:

Perhaps the green room is the mind. If not, I demand several cookies for the answer of this!


However there are more examples:

There is trees in the green room but no plants.

There is poor people in the green room but no rich people.

There are books in the green room but no library :>_>: :>_>: :>_>:

SewersofZebes: Eyes that’s what you are.

Now answer mine damnit lol.

Eyes… it’s something you see, not something you see with. So… Keep goin’…

Aura the answer is: Thats not possible because theres 8 letters and there is no middle of 8!

Hey Sewers of Zebes the answer is : Time!!!

What the hell? I specifically stated its tangible and something you look at. Read!

My God! It is a Mirror!!! :smiley:

In some ways that answer doesn’t make sense.

You look in a Mirrior everyday. If you put a flashlight on and see a reflection of yourself in the dark you see a scary reflection of yourself. Ever been in a hall of mirrors in the fair. It is dead but the glass in it is very fragile, Need anymore reason. Sorry I just thought about it, It is areflection in a mirror.

Dark Samus, if you have MSN, add me immediately. Your prize is something ONLY for those who can answer obscure riddles, those who in my mind, use massive amounts of mental power. Even a psychologically inclined friend of mine could not answer this without me actually giving him half the answer, and even then it took him a couple days. I have more riddles, too. This next one is easy for ANYONE who has studied physics in any form…

I cannot exist. What am I? Clues? Er. Well, I have none, really. All give it away entirely. You’re on your own. Sorry.

The green room contains items with double letters.

:laughing: Dark Samus you’re looking into the riddle too hard.

The word isn’t kstkstkst and the in the middle doesn’t nesscarily mean Directly In The Middle.

Here’s a big hint…

What Eight letter word has kst in the middle in the begining and at the end.

That just completely gave it away.

I bet someone still can’t figure it out…

Aura, is it just me, or did his post seem laden with sarcasm? :[

It’s hard to tell on the net seeing how these are just little 0’s and 1’s translated into text which shows no emotion. Sorry dnidn’t mean it as a flame, just letting you know how stupid I am if that was sarcasim.

Since my last hint didn’t give it away let’s do this:

Rearrange the bold worlds (Except for what eight letter word). They form a word. Use the riddle as a clue to get the word.


THose are the three words.

KST in the middle


In the begining…


and at the end

INKSTAND <<There’s the word.

Sorry if I got mad or made people go insane over the answer, I thought you guys would beable to figure it out right away like I did. I paly a lot of puzzle games where you have to solve lots of riddles so I’m used to doing these things.

Now for a simple one:

I went to Japan. I met a man. That man had seven wives. Each wife had seven cats. For every cat there were seven dogs. Each dog had seven puppies. How many people went to Japan??