
…Yeah. That WOULD be the common sense way to do things, after all.

Commen Sence has been around for a long time and I found a typing instruction book, and I will read it to the last page.

That’s nice. But let’s get back on topic.


Well, since there is enough supporting evidence, I suppose that there are different reasons for cutting, though they all focus on the pain. Self-destruction is very odd, but seeing as how the human race is odd anyhow, I guess it isn’t that strange after all.

it seems like a far fetched thing to say your own species is odd… but then again when i think about it, i see your point. there are all those ppl out there that do drugs to feel better, but once they get out of it, they feel worse because their looks, etc. are deterierating. (from the drugs.)

You have a really good point GL.

Humans outraced evolution. Evolution adapted them to using clubs to beat things, but then they used their own brains to get to the level they’re at today…

Now, humans’ve got problems that they simply didn’t face back in the club-beating days. They’re inventing things to do to themselves much faster than evolution can kill the users off, and they’re using hospitals and cooperation to keep even the bad genes alive.
That’s why things like drugs happen, that’s why there are so many mentally retarded people, and so on.
At least, that’s my two cents, but it’s a pretty accruate two cents from what I see.

Something always happen to people to make them mad, angry, and upset like called names at school or etc. Self-Desturction is very odd, but some people use drugs to get away from what happen to them.

Thanks. 8)

Yeah, humans can be really stupid. It’s painful when you think about it, but it’s true. Pity those who choose to fight this undeniable fact…

Okay, I thought I’d add my opinion to the cutting idea. One of my friends phrased it very well I think. He said that cutting is for cowards who are too afraid to face their problems head on. However, I think now that people are hearing about it and doing it just to get attention. I think it’s a terrible act, and I could never bring bring a blade to my own skin.

cutting goes right along with self pity, if you are depressed, dont sit there cutting yourself, or crying, you find your problem and fix it. life can be a bitch, but its life, so deal with it, suck it up, built the bridge, and find a way to turn things in your favor. if you cut for say scarification, and truly believe it is an art form, go ahead, have fun, wont do it myself, but its your life, however cutting yourself really does go along self pity, and it is letting go of your emotions, and letting them take control of you, does cutting really help? anyone who says cutters are stupid, i cant really blame them, because there is no logical reason for it, it doesn’t make you better, in fact, hell, it makes you worse! so in my opinion, quit the emo, sad, you dont understand me, im different so i wear black…like everyone else that i know, cut myself because i have serious issued and it is who i am, i am going through a teenage fad that is really angsty bullcrap, and find a friggin hobby, like say, creating video games, playing them, listening to music, staring at drying paint, who cares, but honestly, dont be a friggin idiot. if you cut because of your social issued, have fun with your parents dying later on, if you cut because of pressure, jump off the bridge, have fun! if you cut because you actually have a trauma in your life, other people have them too, dont feel sorry for your pathetic little self, and rather than wishing you were dead, and didn’t have the pain of life, LIVE LIFE! to feel so bad, you must have had something very good (kinda like nueton’s third law…if i spelled nueton wrong i dont really care), life is short, too short to spend it on a tile floor cutting yourself and wishing for the pain of life to go away, find the joys of life!

also, all of these were personal opinions and are not flaming in any way, i respect your opinions, so please respect mine! :smiley:

wait…do accidents count?

If it’s a distraction from life, I should’ve been cutting myself for the last five days. Playing games and watching movies and going places didn’t help, because nearly everything reminded me of the object of my anxiety. I don’t really think cutting would help me with that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, if it can help keep you focused on anything at all, it’d probably help to cut yourself when you’re tired. It’s like a slap on the face that hurts longer.

That’s why they invented coffee. <_<"

Oh, that’s right. I forgot about that.

yeah…if someone says cutting is better than coffee, they deserve to be slapped…i dont care about thier opinion there…just slap argument over…lol!

I’ll have a large Espresso Arabian Mocha Java to go.

ummm wat?

roasted turkey, czar…all you really need to do is read 5 posts ahead and you can find out, rather than me explain it.

and…i am far…to lazy to explain it…

I make my own blends of coffee. Back to topic.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… anyway, Theres like this weird cult in my school full of people cutting themselves! I call them the emomaniacs, as do other people