Czar's Sword Forge

Well well… exactly what does him (The so called retarded sword) look like a retarded sword? :sweat:

well. its got like to shades, and its sharpened around the bottom end of the blade which is pointless seeing as that part of the blade cant cut anything.

… somewhere between those two. Those are the extremes at which someone could take my explanation. Which, by the way, was done in two minutes.
So let me help you with the parts that confused you…

First, there’s the edge of the sword. as it goes to the center of the sword, it gets slowly thicker. Then, at the point in the middle, it starts getting thinner a second. That would be a normal double-edged sword.

Yours is a differant version that, instead of getting thicker all the way to the center, it only gets thick for a small length, and then it is flat, and then it thins out to the edge again.

And lastly, I meant the front edge should stay bright, the flat area a little darker with low-contrast shading as it approached the rear, and the back edge should be the darkest area, with low-contrast shading again.

and your edit based on my words… eh… if that’s the product, maybe I should just stop talking.

this is my latest update on it. I’m gonna fix that shading i think.

I guess I had a few beers too much last night. head hurts I’m sorry. :cry:

Those lines shouldn’t bend like that, unless you’re blade had curves, like the master sword. If you played Zelda

No, the base of the blade of the sword is just thick, like the middle segment. If you don’t get what I mean, refer to the picture bellow.

blue: thick area
red: thin area

Edit: No, that’s NOT what I think it should be colored/shaded like. It was just to show the differance between the two area… thickness… things.

Its not impossible for a blade to curve. But does the master sword have a curve like that?

Your lines should go all the way down, I think.

wouldnt that be completely pointless. I mean like i said earlier, there is no point in that area being sharpened because that part of the blade cant cut anything, this is because that green handle thing. What is that called?

Ezactly. It’s pointless. It would be a waste of time for the person that forged the sword, and it looks cooler this way.

I added markings on the blade. Makes it look more legendary in my opinion.

You need to fix the shading before you add anymore detail, or it’s going to cost you. Well, your going to have to redo the detail at least.


Much. However, more contrast couldn’t hurt.

I am hoping this is my last update on this sword.

That’s really good. :smiley:>

The blade itself is pretty good, but I’m not to fond of the bright and vibrant green.

a girl I met on wc3 was talking to me on msn. I showed her my latest swords and she was like :O_O: , you didn’t draw that its impossible! I guess I should show her this forum because my swords are far from impossible to draw. I’ve seen way better, like MZ’s Dark Dragon Blade.

Thank you, and your sword you looks great by the way.