Daz's sprites/models/cg's/etc

Looks good. Kinda reminds me of the Protoss actually.


Just found this. Looks like there’s more art of that mecharidleyrobotzombie thing, and … honestly I think this just raises more questions than it answers.

On the bright side, it definitely does have a pilot. <_<

But wtf? If only for the Chozo Artifact on his wing…

I don’t care what you say, the one on the left is epic.

Granted, but again, what the hell IS it? My best guess is maybe a Pirate wearing the bones and relics of a Chozo for psychological warfare or something…? >_> Hell, I don’t know, it’s just cool. Why was none of this in the games?!

That looks a bit like the Metroid Prime essence head, actually.

Holy crap, it does.

Or maybe it’s a Protoss. Either way. >_>

I’m so stealing some ideas off of these sheets. >_>

Although that’s what us artists do. We influence each other.

yeah, influence, like visceral games?

I can already hear the “what took you so long?” from here.

IMO the dark lines on the chest area need some anti-aliasing

but maybe that’s just because i’m not used to looking at sprites nowadays…

I agree with pom, and for similar reasons, maybe I’m just used to modern sprites like on the Wii


Wait, what? Has there been a single Wii game with sprites besides Muramasa?

Wario Land 4.

And in a technical sense, EVERY Wii game uses sprites. But let’s not go there. :stuck_out_tongue:

…How do you figure? Models are not sprites, dammit. Unless you mean like HUD icons and stuff, which I don’t count because those are not comparable to anti-aliased ribcages. If they are. that game scares me.

Games use sprites for their distant objects, mainly vegetation.

Hell, a lot of games use sprite panels for up-close vegetation too.

All particle effects (console wise) are sprite-based.

Sprites don’t have to be low-res.
“In computer graphics, a sprite (also known by other names; see Synonyms below) is a two-dimensional/three-dimensional image or animation that is integrated into a larger scene.”

Not really a graphic of any sort, but hey, short stories are art too!


P.S.: Tell me your full name and adress, social security number and the bank you use, and I will forwrd 1.2 million dollars to your account.

Wait you have deviantart account?. I will add you as friend.


Awkward clam shell-eared long mouthed monster with demonic eyes!