Favorite Game Console

Meh. I have the SNES, but I forgot to include the older systems. :blush:

Lotā€™ve cube lovers on this board. Figures though since this is metroid based, eh?

I would be confused if I saw anything else.

Yeah, good point. What are the odds youā€™d have like a ton of xbox lovers being into metroid enough to find this board? I could see a few, but so far Iā€™ve never met anyone who likes gamecube and xbox. Iā€™ve seen ps2 and gamecube, or ps2 and x-box, but I havnā€™t met anyone who likes gamecube and x-box. Then again, Iā€™m a geek who never gets out of the house except for walking the dog, taekwondo, and the occasional other thing.

The lack of Sony fans is kind of disconcerting thoughā€¦ PS2 is widely considered to be the best system.

Well I love ps2 because it made kingdom hearts. I donā€™t care what anyone says, that game is among the best ever in my opinion.

And thatā€™s the reason I have a ps2. I bought it so I could buy KH. Ehā€¦By the way, anyone know where I can check the release date on that? If not, back on topic.

Gamecube is the superior system by far. It just reeks of awesomeness.

Yano, I wonder what a 256 graphic bit system will look like. How much more realistic can we make graphics before we have to create some sort of hologram or cyberworld for it to be a big step up?

Check out anyone with a 256MB Graphic card and Doom 3 or Half-Life 2. Thatā€™s how the games SHOULD look on a 256 Bit system. (Iā€™m guessing itā€™s probibly going to be a little less better than that). Graphics wonā€™t be going by bits anymore. Soon theyā€™ll just be saying how powerful the processor and graphic card is. Consoles are slowly turning to PCā€™s. Atleast thatā€™s what I think.

Gaming pcs in any caseā€¦Eh, Iā€™ve never played doom or half lifeā€¦

O_O Me neither! Everywhere I go I seem to be the only person who has never played either one of those!..friendā€¦drools

Gamecube for me

hums MP2 theme song

Iā€™m about to be slaughtered, but I have my own opinion, and its in the rules :stuck_out_tongue:

PC. Come on people! ROMs, Musicā€¦ P2D???

(Then again, if SNES was on there, Iā€™d vote for that.)

I know its a bad habit to get into but every day I download about five roms without owning the games and dont delete it within 24 hours. Its sorta like drugs, Itā€™s an adiction.

Okā€¦ :confused:

Not that Iā€™d know how an adiction to drugs feels, but ya know what Iā€™m saying, its a bad habbit that I need to get out of. Itā€™s just the thought of downloading your favorite games for free ya know.

I know that. It just soundedā€¦ messed up :stuck_out_tongue:. I have my habbits too, espescially bad when it comes to my hellish schoolā€¦ (a.k.a- gaming and programming while seventeen gigantic school projects are due the next day)

I feel your pain! Trust me I feel your pain! Damn scool prodjects!!!
eats math home work


i voted for GC. 2nd is DS. then probably X-box :neutral_face:

Eating math homework is a waste of time, effort, graphite, and stomach.