GM P2D's Freeze

>.> I know… Still, the non-team community is pretty much cut out of it. But I dunno, if it really is a lot more done than we think, perhaps a rather unlikely surprise could come out of nowhere. Judging from the stuff I quoted off that guy’s blog (earlier in this topic), there probably is a lot more done in MetEngine than any of us could guess.

To be fair, no one has the slightest bit more knowledge about the progress of MetEngine on the team than you guys.

Well, CFX seems to spend 99% of his time either on WoW or talking about it, so I don’t think much is getting done.

A lot more is getting done than you think.
Remember, you’re not a team member, and therefore can’t see much of the forum.

This is where you go wrong. If so much is being done on the game then why don’t you guys give us some updates or something to look forward to other than starve the people who keep this place alive? What you said just backs up my point, which is the project may be too locked away for its own good. Still, I’m unsure if you’re talking about GM P2D or this “MetEngine” thing. If what PY says is true and CFX only WoWs and talks about it, I think it’d be best to have some sort of backup plan so the project isn’t entirely depending upon some mystery engine which nobody has ever seen before.

Yeah, we could use a back up engine.
Graphics wise though, it’s moving along pretty well, I think.
We won’t show updates though because allot of people like to steal sprites.

I kinda figured the graphics would keep moving along, since they’re almost independent of the game engine. (As in you don’t need the engine to do the spritework.)

If you’re worried about people stealing sprites, then you may as well plan on never releasing the game to the public at all >.>. You know it’s going to happen inevitably, just like it did with the official side-scrolling Metroid games (and every other popular title of the NES SNES era). I suppose I can see the point of not releasing anything until it’s done - that way people can’t claim your spritework as their own before the release of the final product - something like that.

I once tried to haxx and plead my way into the team areas, and unless I was lied to, apparently nothing happens there.

If I was lied to, I hereby reinstate my entry request :3

Nothing happens there.

Aww :frowning:

Well, a bit happens there. But not too much.


Stuff happens, then people lose interest, then people get motivated and stuff happens again, then people lose interest…

Well, after long enough it would get done.

Interest is going to stay dead until we get a programmer. Or until CFX finishes his engine.

And PY, to get an idea: The last post in the Workplace was on Oct 5, and the one before that on August 25. Nothing happens there.

it’s all goin’ on in the artifact o’ mo’ thread

You mean… Artifact of the Month? >_>

I guess time will tell what’s in store for P2D, or something like that. Although I’d be thrilled if it were to happen, I can hardly see another programmer stepping in on P2D that everyone would be willing to accept or would be happy with. But then again, perhaps if they were able to prove themselves skillful as a well-communicative member of a team, and as a programmer - I could see someone like that taking over the programming side. Inevitably though, going around looking for a programmer seems likely a bad idea. I can’t quite imagine how someone like that could find their way here…

Ahh I’m just ranting and talking in circles! <<; My apologies - don’t know what I’m getting at. Maybe that’s a sign that there’s nothing else to say about this topic, heh.

Oh, well, I suppose it’s pretty dead then :frowning:

aotm has really slowed since it’s inception, which is a pity :frowning:

was trying to ebriviate. i guess it didn’t work out too well then

Heh, it sounded more like you were saying “artifact of my thread” or “artifact of more thread.” shrug

I remember back in the day when there was talk of P2D being made on MMF2. (Multimedia Fusion). It’d be interesting to see.