how do you hyptnoize your self??

how do you hyptnoize yourself??
plz post if you know how! :confused:

i dont think you can, there is no magic coin on a string that can do that, nor an internet guide that can do the same, its a professional thing, the mind.

Actually, there are internet guides that can. Iā€™ve looked it up countless timesā€¦ but I havenā€™t seriously tried it before. Will edit with links in a secā€¦

What is hypnosis anyway?

ā€¦ Look it up. Itā€™s hard to explain with just a post or two.

Anyway, it certainly is possible. My momā€™s done it before. But itā€™s far from easy.

Iā€™m not sure this is right, but hypnosis is pretty much setting yourself into a state of half, or unconsciousness. Putting yourself in a trance, in which youā€™re not aware of your surroundings, or events going on around you.

Of course, this could just be my interpretation based on cartoons and stuff, but Iā€™ve never really looked into it.

:slight_smile: all i know about hyptnoisim is that sleeping and getting hyptnoised are two way! diffrent things

ā€¦Um yeah.

I have a question.

How old are you?

BTW, itā€™s spelled hypnosis, hypnotized and hypnotize.
Not hyptnoisim, hyptnoised, and hyptnoize.
Alternatively, you can replace the z with an s, for hypnotised, and hypnotise.

why do you want to know my age?

Donā€™t worry, iā€™m not a pedifile/stalker. I was just wondering because of some of the statements you made. Nevermind. Sorry if I offended you. :frowning:

Just lt me take out my notes on hyptnoisim and tell you how to hyptnoise yourself. :unamused: (Not everyone know these kinds of thingsā€¦)
Okay, Iā€™ll lay off this kid, because heā€™s probably just foreignā€¦

But seriously, why do you want to hypnotize yourself?

Just foreign?? Most people here are ā€œforeignā€ to me, seeing as how they dont live in the US. Thatā€™s a great way to make friends.

Well thatā€™s why this is a forum. SOMEBODY on the forum MIGHT know something about hypnotism.
Things are looking to the contrary though.


umā€¦ wow. And you found thoseā€¦ where?

:sweat: I guess itā€™s kinda hard to show sarcasm on a forum, sooā€¦

that realy worked, wow


But seriously, lern2google.

Yeah, there REALLY wasnt a good reason to start a thread. But its been done, and weā€™ve learned something.

I guess I was more surprised that you actually took the time to go find those links to help someone who hasnā€™t even been active since he posted the first post. And iā€™m not wasting my time searching through google search results.