if you could replace one beam

Him calling me an “asshole” implies he is one.

Power Beam is so weak. I know it’s the basic beam but it weak :frowning:

(Read my other post about you bumping so much)

I would replace Light Beam it does the exact same thing as plasma beam.

I would replace all the MP2 beams they go agenst metroid tradition and just replace others

P.S. I am a gleamer now yay

Power Beam, could replace with:

Boom Stick :laughing:


Machine Gun

Weakling Rapid Fire Light Show That Really Kicks Enemy Tail While Not Doing Much :E

Machine gun lol. The bullets would probly bounce off most enemies. But I agree samus needs something more rapid fire like an upgrade for the power beam that made it a multi shot firing thing

Ice Beam, of course.

I hated it… it was so important to the story.

Why couldn’t they have made it so a Electric Beam stun the Metroids? That would not only LOOK cooler, but just be more fun in general.

And maybe like a splitting shock when it hits ground or walls, and going in different directions.

It would be so fun… :stuck_out_tongue:

I liked the ice beam exept it made the game realy eaasy you could kill almost anything with two shots and metroids seamed not as scary. by the way do any of you know if it is posible to freaze the other trooper types in mp (not the ice troopers)

I’d rid of the Annihilator Beam. Although it wasn’t made then, you should be able to use the Omega Cannon. It rox everyone’s sox.

I’d replace the Waze Beam with that thing you use to shoot down the walls in the Phazon Mines. 8)

the waze beam? do you mean the wave beam?

I can’t belive people are actually posting in this after almost a year of being deserted.

I told them to stop bumping but they ignored my warning. I just thought that since this is already bumped, it doesn’t really matter now.
PS: Good too see you’re back, Ridley! :smiley:>

Hope this isn’t bumping to bad but I think annihilator looks cool but is a totle waste of ammo :angry:

Well I’d drop the dark beam mainly because it has very little use. I mean im MP2 you spend most of your time in Dark Aether and everything there is immune to it.

Daz told me before that it’s alright to bump topics if you’re going to contribute to it. But… I think that it’s common sense to realize that there’s a line…

Well on second thought annihilitor is good agenst ing shoot the light crysitels and boom well sort of but it helps

i’d change the flamethrwer to something better…

Seeing how this topic is up there… I’d get rid of Long Beam. Not used after Metroid 1 but I hated the fact i’m practically using a gun as a melee weapon. Other wise i’d drop Light,Dark, and Anni. Hated the “ammo system”.

a lot of people didn’t like the ammo system, apparently. It didn’t bother me all that much, 'cept when I’m in the dark world and can’t find an ammo station. other than that I’d replace the ice beam with something that would fire faster.