If you had in an imanginarey metroid game...

Mine would be called Metroid Prime 4 Revneons.It would take place on the planet neothy (ne-othy) and Samus meets creatures named Revneons(Rev-ne-ons)and they capture Samus and put Phazon Metroids on Samus and then Samus turns into Phazon and then a x-parisite comes into the phazon of Samus and then Samus comes to life in the x-eon suit with the eon beam and creates a copy of her in the x-revpar suit like the s-ax.So Samus would hve to destroy all the Revneons,the new copy of her,and DarkSamus plus blow up the planet.This would take place after metroid prime 3 and Samus would come there because it was the brother of the planet of the one in metroid prime 3 and after Samus got out of the planet of prime 3 in her ship she got shot by a turret of the revneons and when she crashed she got capured by them and she would try to find a way out of the planet against everyone there you the find the secret suit that has a jet pack that was crated by the revneons and then they died and never told anyone the name of the suit.She would jet out of ther and go back to earth.It would be on revolution.

We already have SEVERAL topics on this, I won’t link to any because I’m not quite sure which one this idea belongs to.

And your idea still sucks, by the way. Next time you get a suggestion for improving something, don’t just repost it, try actually making it better first <_<

I mean, we don’t even know what happens in MP3 yet, so you can’t make a sequel. “X-Eon” is a terrible name, we already have three fake Samus’s in the series, we really don’t need ANOTHER. What is the Revneon’s motive for capturing Samus? Why do they have metroids? Where does the phazon come from on this planet? “Samus turns into phazon”? WHAT? Metroids EAT x, if this planet has metroids on it, no way could the X survive there and possess her…

And that second to last sentence is the worst structured sentence ever. I’ve read it three times now and I still have trouble following it.