If you met Samus what would you do?

Well, then I would ask her why she is so worthless.

Well than at least she’ll kill you quickly and with minimal agony.

Knock her out and take her to Nintendo. I would then buy all the video games i want! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

You have a 0.000000000000000000001% chance of survival.

“Why did you just blast a huge hole through my house for you to run through, what kind of Space Pirates are those you’re sprinting from, why did you not run around my house, and why are you not boosting or shinesparking or using some faster method of transportation to get away from these Pirates?”

watches Samus morph and boost away
gets killed by a giant mob of Space Pirates

I’d ask for her autograph, but since she is probably right handed, it would give her an excuse to taker her suit off, lol.

Well maybe just the Arm Cannon.

you wanna go behind your ship and______

…you fill in the blank.

Have a good time?

make many ________Jr.
________=Your name

Omega Jr.!


anyway, i would prolly say “ZOMG ITS SAMUS ARAN!!!” and then faint or something like that >_>


of course! who isnt… on a p2d forum?

…funny as hell

lol half pomegranate, half samus :^_^:


Wait wouldn’t you marry her first?Or just go on?

i…think this might be the most geeky topic i have seen on here…

If i met samus, it would be in super smash bros. And i would smash that!! And after i was done, id take her ship.