in the bar

yeah, your right. i mean, what are the chances of that happening again?

Well all I can say is chances are higher of that happening in the U.S. than here in Canada.

Stepping in as a forewarning–do not try to turn this into a “hey let’s bash america lolz” thread.

I dunno if that was the intent behind the previous comment, but I can see it escalating to that without intervention.

No it wasn’t the intent it is just that stuff like that happens more often in the U.S.

meh, shit happens everywhere, though the exact form of the happening is what you are trying to lean towards?

well, ive basically forgoten about that thanks to starfox command and the nintendo wifi usb connector.

damn semi necromancer

damn pure spam


warns again

LOLZ! What semi necromancer? And how come every time King makes a thread it always turns into a conversation about computers and stuff?

maybe because people here spend too much time on the computer, therefor making it a universal subject for everyone to discuss, and make the topics go off-topiciness?

You are lucky King Metroid that dude could have killed you damn. :wink: