Jack Thompson strikes again

Just feel I should mention this could still be linked to the dangerous economics of a game like World of Warcraft. They train their black market and hitman buying skills on that game, don’t you know.
Just don’t tell him you can beat down racist humans with hot pokers as a form of torture in WoW, he might blame malpractice and the US’s recent use of torture on that.
Or… wait. That argument makes too much sense for Jack.
Maybe he’d blame global warming on that.

don’t know if I’m allowed to swear here so…

WHAT THE F**K! Jesus. Does this guy ever give up? Leave us alone! I’ve been playing t and m rated games since I was 10. And I’ve never got the urge to kill anyone…yet…

King, no one cares about swearing on the internet, and if they do they should just get off the internet

I started to dream about date raping after playing Tetris.
So the man may have a point in all the madness.

“I’m going to insert my line block into you so hard!”
“Liks, I don’t think this is right!”

  • Girl’s vagina disappears.

I’d pay a lot of money to see a porno like that.

i’ll get a video camera


It just makes me sick when Jack Thompson blames a horrible tragedy like Virginia Tech so he can prove his personal cause. At least HB 353 was vetoed, it was just so poorly handcrafted.


Jacko’s a complete and utter bloody nutcase, but assuming he didn’t misquote them…

an organization calling itself the National Coalition against Censorship is telling Gov. Huntsman that “minors have a First Amendment right to adult entertainment.”

What the FUCK? That’s even less logical than most of what Jack says. >_>

Misquote something?
Naaaw, I could never see him do that to make an unfounded point.
Like when he misquoted a description/warning about a trailer for GTA 4.
Or when he misdescribed said trailer and said he was seeing fellatio.

90% of Jack’s arguments are made of misinformation, but I guess I have no proof that it’s misquoted, considering he stated no source or even where/how he heard this. Then again, that also means there’s no proof that what he says is true…

Well he did say to Glenn Beck that you can have anal and oral sex on GTA4, which is a total fucking lie.

I don’t care aether, I just know a lot of forum boards that don’t like swearing on it. Just didn’t want to get any warnings.

Also that tetris is win.

there was a feature that was taken out called “hot coffee”

and well…


I just don’t get why some people like Jack Thompson’s idea of governmental control on video games.

Some people don’t play video games.
Some people don’t fact check.
Some people don’t like to take responsibility when their children suck at life.
The combination of nonexperience, ignorance, and… well, more ignorance combined with a bit of their own life-suck, makes people want an easy solution. Since it doesn’t require them to learn that E=Everyone, T=Teen, and M=Mature, they like Jacky’s option better than taking the initiative.
Although I suppose I should change that.
They don’t have to learn how to read the words “everyone,” “teen,” “mature,” etc, RIGHT under the letters, or understand that the words represent age groups.

Jack gives them something to blame and a solution (government censorship), and in exchange they have to do absolutely nothing to get this solution. If they can whine a bit for him, it’s a bonus.

The next thing Jacko will do to prove his cause is that 9/11 was cause by a group of people who trained on Pilotwings. And also, he says that he’s trying to save lives, but he tried to encourage someone on the internet to train on a game that lets you commit suicide because the person he was speaking to didn’t like his ideologies.