
if you don’t mind correcting (if need be) my pronounciation… ?r is pronounced as the english word air?

Yep that is correct. But not with the english R. Think russian badguys in american movies. :slight_smile:

is it slightly rolled?


The whole alphabet.


Brought up bilingual (French+English), learning German (6th year), learnt Latin (3 years). Ah, you Nordics… You get to learn so many languages! (at least I know why you need to ;p)

I speak a little Arabic…my Dad is from Egypt :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you walk like an Egyptian?

That sounds like a cat purring. XD

Took Spanish for two years, I don’t know any more than I did to begin with.
I may take Russian sometime this spring. That will be fun!

Don’t take Russian. It’s a stupidly difficult language, and entirely useless in everything.

Russian is like german. It sounds evil.

That video was great, Liks. I almost died laughing when they said he wasn’t that desperate.

lol i didn’t realize it was a link since just now… thought it was just underlined >.>

German is one of the more logical languages you’d ever see, though I would have to admit, how romantic does “Ich liebe dich.” sound?

you love dick? ok

swedish seems simple as far as i’ve delved into it… i mean, there’s still noun genders but it seems there are in most european languages…

Georgian doesn’t even have pronoun genders. You could try that one :stuck_out_tongue:

Nej svenska ?r inte alls sv?rt. Du skulle ha testat en nyb?rjarkurs i svenska och sett vad du tycker. En del l?r sig att tala svenska r?tt fint efter bara ett ?r i Sverige.

I’m learning Spanish. I can’t stand the class or the teacher for a number of reasons (backed with some fresh statistical evidence that I’m keeping to myself), but I want to learn the language, so… I’m sticking with it now that I’ve made it easy for myself.