Metroid Engine (GM6)

Except, I suck at learning languages… lol. French was the only thing I have ever failed in school (Then again, I moved from Scotland were we were hardly taught French to Canada which pretty much everyone was French experts). I guess I’ll stick with making music.

read the tutorial…that actually helps

the tutorials only help with basic stuff, this goes a little bit past that.

sigh god damnit! Dude if you have never read the tutorial and you think you know whats there dont say anything at all. The tutorial doesnt just help with, “basic” stuff if you have read the tutorial you would have known that, that is a guide to being a good(gm6)programmer. Which is why most people use D&D (like you) cause they were always to lazy to read the tutorial.

If you take at least 5min in reading it you’ll learn something. See this is what I mean. If you dont know anything dont suggest stuff at all.

{ &nbsp;a[0] = 1; &nbsp;i = 1; &nbsp;while (i < 10) { a[i] = 2*a[i-1]; i += 1;} &nbsp;b[4,6] = 32; }

[code] library MyDLL;

uses SysUtils, Classes;

function MyMin(x,y:double):double;  cdecl;
 if x<y then Result := x else Result := y;

var res : array[0…1024] of char;

function DoubleString(str:PChar):PChar; cdecl;
 Result := res;

exports MyMin, DoubleString;

Does all that look basic to you?? he this is the kinda stuff that makes ppl look dumn…

i dont use drag and drop

Dude yes you do! Just cause you do simple functions in GML doesnt mean you are a pro GML user already! so because you use this:

if keyboard_check(vk_right)|

doesnt mean you are a pro and that you know GML already. Those are just the functions for the D&D…

'sprite_index'=sprite change icon
instance_change=change instance icon

that doesnt make you pro. And dont think just cause you converted simple D&D to GML means you use GML I’d like to see some cool new stuff since you “use” GML.


{ a[0] = 1; i = 1; while (i < 10) { a[i] = 2*a[i-1]; i += 1;} b[4,6] = 32; }

would be an example of GML good GML not just, instance_create(23,23,obj_something)

i never said i was an expert, lol

besides, i get what needs to be done, also, no, it doesn’t cover everything in the tutorial (though i am wondering to which tutorial you are speaking of, the ones i know of dont do anything too advanced)


Guru Madness …

Being able to use a while loop and a few arrays doesnt make you that much better.


and FYI: not organising your code with proper indents makes you a bad coder.

a[0] = 1; i = 1; while (i < 10) { a[i] = 2*a[i-1]; i += 1;} b[4,6] = 32;

could be better written as:


for(a[0] = 1, i = 1; i < 10; i+=1)
      a[i] = 2*a[i-1];

b[4,6] = 32;[/code]

T__T god damn you people! I never said I had written that! and im not a “bad coder” and really you dont have to indent. And 1 I never said that some arrays make you smarter or a better programmer.
and 2…I didnt write that. I took that from the Help file of GM6…

edit: lol! By saying that not making indents makes you a bad coder, you werent calling me a bad coder. You were calling MarkOvermars A bad coder.

Would’nt a good coder use C++?

Does Gamemaker only use the Windows API?

Not necessarily.

Are you talking about GM’s actual interface or for programs it has “compiled”? The former, yes, but most C++ compilers do anyway; the latter, no, you can choose.

And what’s all this other stuff you guys are talking about? O_o You seem to be arguing about really stupid things… begins reading from previous page

Edit: … I see.

By “GM’s tutorial”, you mean the help file, right? Then read these two paragraphs. If not, skip them and read the next section. This is argument just started in a really unusual and confusing way, so it’s hard for me to tell what you even mean.

Serus, the GM help file is only a dictionary of GML functions (plus some drag 'n drop stuff). It helps a lot for making programs, but if you don’t have much programming experience, you won’t know what to do with most or all of the functions. In other words, it only explains what the language’s many functions can do, not how you can actually use them for anything to become a good GML programmer. That part is done by observing other people’s programs and examples and through experience.

“Basic” is a perfectly valid term to describe the help file. I use it all the time, but only to look up how to use a function, not how to make my first-person shooter come alive with advanced effects. The functions themselves are basic–it’s how you use them that counts.

If you mean “GM’s tutorial” as in the tutorials on their website, read from here. Otherwise skip the next section.

Serus, those tutorials ARE basic. They only cover something as simple as moving a character left and right and jumping on platforms, but they aren’t explained well enough for beginners to catch on and understand what is happening. Most people (I’m guilty of this) will just copy the code and replace the sprites. Rarely do they actually manage to get it correct when they read a tutorial and try to make something like it, because the tutorials never cover common but simple problems. They only cover how to do a really simple thing but try their best to make only the more advanced GML programmers understand it. Basic in essence, advanced in the way they go about explaining it.

You’re just not looking at what those tutorials actually do and just trying to make things look advanced with unorganized and cluttered code.

// If statement ends here <___<;;;

I think there’s some confusion about what “the tutorial” actually is, other than just in my head, so that could be the main reason behind this weird argument.

And Tenka, unorganized code doesn’t make you a bad programmer, just one who doesn’t bother to make their code legible.

And, Serus, is that second bit of script in your first rant post even GML? O.o, my code never comes out looking that crazy. Parts of that should be simplified to reduce eye and brain strain.

Does this help clear some things up?

Edit2: Wait, reading on, Serus, you seem to suddenly change your whole argument… :confused:

Just read what Tenka says about looping and arrays. You make it sound like that’s the work of professionals, meanwhile creating an instance and changing sprites with sprite_index (things used only in GM) don’t make you a GML expert? The latter actions seem to use a little more knowledge of GML to me… Though still really simple.

I give up. This doesn’t make any sense.

Yes you confused me mroe about what I WAS even saying. With the, “you make it sound proffesional” well dont blame me. Blame my split personality.

im just going to stick to what serus seems to think is “amatuer” i guess, hey, i dont care, lol, it works, i can still make a perfectly good game, its not if you use code, or how you code that really is important, hell, a good game could be made with drag and drop, the real thing is, do you really want to make the game, and how much of yourself you are willing to put into it!

(serus, this was not attacking you…just to stop the obvious blow that you are attempting to type as you read this)

Granted … I suppose, but IMO If you have un-readable bunched-up un-indented code then you are only hurting yourself.

Not sure who you were talking to directly … but thats exactly what I thought Serus meant. He sseems to think using a while loop and a few arrays is “l337” while using a function is not. Only using functions may not be very “expert” but neither is the basics of loops and arrays.

Thats what I’ve tried to say many many times. A good coder can use whatever the hell he wants but if he wants lightning-fast results he would use GM because it automates everything that is tedious and annoying in real programming languages while giving you the same power to program your game.

It probably wouldnt be the most Ideal choice for a professional-team product but for a 1-man indy programmer GM does wonders.

…crap…now im going to have to look up arrays now that you guys are mentioning them so much bangs head on desk

just goto the GM help thing on the gammaker program. Type arrays in the search…

dont they have good info on them in the manual metroid oracle? :confused:

ok I dont mind saying my, “name”(after te battle)but now it is just weird…usually it would start with, “hey serus…” but now its just weird

sorry…really i cant remember the whole mo thing…i still dont get it…but whatever *changes post for name