Metroid Engine

if you’re going to pick from two different languages you don’t really know, you may as well pick the better one. you’ll face the same difficulties trying to learn vb as you are with c++, perhaps even more so since vb to me is pretty much designed for making windows gui apps and not well suited for game development. having used both, i find c++ much easier to develop games with than vb

just downloaded it. hope this is teh roxxorz. downloaded in less than a second btw. it was like, what, 6kb?


um… ok. it is basic, sure. decent, but basic. it is good for early stages, better than my starfox test demo. controls need work though.

anyway, criticisim time.

shots come from the top of the arm cannon, rather from the middle. and once the morphball got all gliched up and got stuck in a wall. easily fixed though.

as judge alvid would say, “this is how i have controll methods, and i suggest you have them the same way” (nothing but trouble reference)

arrow keys: move, aim up, duck/morph.
v: jump button
c: fire button
x: missle lock/weapon select
ctrl: pause

Um, the controls in this game are supposed to be unique. Similar to both MZM and MP at the same time. If you read the game info which pops up before the game, youd see i have the morphball glitch and others listed, so please dont mention them -again- as that is kind of uneeded. Also about the controls, I said id add custom controls and joypad support so it wont be as weird on the joypad, and youll be able to customize them on the keyboard. As for the shots coming from the top of the cannon, thats just a small variable that needs tweeked. Thank you for your comments.

EDIT- Also, i -am- learning C++ instead of VB.