Metroid: Other M

No, they’re not. They’re so 1337 that they make everyone else but Avalanche Studios look like bums.
DICE, Or Digital illusions Creative Entertainment is one of my favorite Swedish game developers and has been since they made flipper games for the Amiga.

Valve’s ability to support games they’ve already sold still impresses me.

Valve’s games are now outdated though. The source engine is so old. Not to mention it’s a fork off of the original HL engine, which is derived from the Quake engine. That puts the source engine’s roots back in 1996. As it stands now, source was released in HL2 in 2004, which still makes it an old engine (6 yrs going on 7).

Their post launch support is second to none though.


just thought i’d say that

btw, i love them

And people still play CS:S in force.
I’m actually glad Valve doesn’t feel the need to release a new Counter-Strike on a yearly basis.

Gives time for the community to actually, like, develop.
(Also gives the player-made map pool time to develop.)

Imagine how rich Valve would be if the charged monthly. :O_O:

… oh wait, they aren’t Activision.

And their retail boxes are published by EA so they never will be.

So how about that Metroid: Other M?

who cares, we got VALVE GAMES

That’s like saying that humans throw poo at eachother because we were derived from monkeys.

Oh, and Other M was linear and stuff. :>_>:

No, it’s more like saying we look like them… and we do.


Zurg we all know you’re anti-source anyway :]

ps. quote tunneling commence!

Still haven’t played it. No TV, too cheap to buy the upscaler so I can plug it into my computer monitor, too lazy to emulate.
Sad story.

On an unrelated note, I just found my favorite quote of all time.

Someone just edited the Metroid Wiki to say the following:

“samus is picked up by a meroid [species] in metroid other m. metroids are made of fushion.”

Win = very yes.

Ya remember all that BS surrounding the Ridley scene in Other M?

Here is one person who sheds some light on the situation using real psychology.

I should also mention that a spoiler warning is in effect for this article.

I read that article till the end…and am going to use it next time someone starts talking shit about Samus being too weak now.

Good find, Syntax. I found the article really interesting as well. More because of the stuff surrounding PTSD, but it was intriguing that it was used as a floorboard for Samus’ behavior in the scene mentioned.

I’m gonna have to research Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder now.

Pre-ordered it with the “Special Art” package thingy. Is nice looking…was finally able to play it recently, and I flucking hate these gosh damn controls. The game is awesome. Everything about it is just more to love, except the controls. WTF Nintendo. Sounds like you guys got a bit LAZY. >:O

Either that, or they though it would make the game “more accessible” to a wider audience range. Ugh. Game designers need to stop making games for everyone, and make them for gamers.