Need help

I’m trying to figure out a good way to create a game…

I’m planning on creating a 2D side-scrolling platformer version of Final Fantasy VII, and I need to know if there are any good programs to use to accomplish this.

Probably gamemaker. I dont have a link to it anymore though.

EDIT: Wait there is an affiliate at the P2D site.

you could use some “Basic” programming language. I prefer BLITZ Basic or Dark Basic.

I just completed a game in darkBASIC =3
PM me with your edress for the game and code, if you want to see an example of it.

Shouldnt this be moved?


Garage Games TGB. It looks great and you can compile the games for MacOS/Linux/Windows.
Garage Games Torque Game Builder

Download some demo-games and see what it can do. The Indie-license is just $100.

Thanks for the ideas!