Other Languages?

Will you use translation-packs of some sort, or will the game only be in english?
There are some countries here in Europe that think of english as some evil language and therefore they claim their own languages as world-languages.

France, Germany and Spain are the worst. That’s why we get all the games last in the world. :cry:

And if you are going to use some sort of translation-add ons - could we make our own?

R?vh?l. I’m really tired, so you will have to excuse all of my typos.

We have quite a few language translations, actually. Some are already done, some are in progress, some have yet to be done…

But it isn’t even your most famous languages either, we have quite an interesting variety.

Sounds good. :smiley:

Is there anyone translating the game to swedish?
If so; can you put the translation in the next demo? It would be neat.

Yeah, there’s a Swedish Translation.


-SCU’s official translation topic^

:smiley: This game will be something special.


Wasn’t someone even doing something like a Hungarian translation?

hm…if you wanted to…could you put random messages into a language just for the hell of it…?

us: recorded to logbook
spanish: eat all your base
hungarian: punch your neighbor in the face
german: i know what you did last summer
french: i like stinky cheese!
russian: use spanish instead of russian

couldn’t you guys do that…please?!! :smiley:

It’s just the Electronic Arts games that are translated into Swedish, and 99% of all EA games sucks. When a free games gets a Swedish translation, then it’s a special game. It will get some heavy attention in the Swedish gaming-magazines.

Well, it already has (that’s how I found out that the game existed), but I’m pretty sure that Super PLAY and LEVEL will write more about this game.

you want help in italian translation?