Pandoras box

this will be awesome

Hell yes it will.

It’s a good idea, all right. I see no reason why this won’t succeed!

Okay, I’m here to ask some more stuff. Did you dye your hair black again? Over here in ‘A Year Ago Land’, I hate blonde hair. But maybe I’ll change my mind in the next year. Did anyone else post any questions here yet? I’m sure they did. Is your bro’s knee better yet? Has Justin’s ankle healed yet? Man, that was a bad break. What medals did Canada win in the Olympics? GO CANADA!!! Did you make up your mind on if you wanted to buy a DS? Or did you take it safe and not spend 'til rev time? Have they finaly canceled the OC? Man I hate that show. You get Metroid in Motion and Symphony of Samus? So how’s your new school like? It better be good. Did you decide to edit this post and make it into paragraphs? Whatever. I’m too lazy right now.

                                                            BYE!!!                                                                               :laughing:  :laughing: