perguin PORN!!!!!!!!!!

go here to learn about perguins!

and you will learn a bit about perguins, and your avatars!

also, some motivational posters…

is this the same link u sent in the “wtf” thread? i just finished watching…penguins come up like twice…wth the fart lesbian penguins of aquador?

hehe, yeah, i think ill add some new content to the page just to save space…

…anyways, it is clearly a sign of things to come…

sorry about the cencorship guys just ya this is some serious stuff…
penguinla anderson?

hehe, look at top

those are cool…the gun one should be put on some emo kids forum…:stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, this penguin thing is getting really wierd… Enough said.

Ok, motivational posters? Demotivational posters? Hmm, I’ve never seen them on their actual sight and the wording involved isn’t like what they would say, so yeah they must be some cheap-ass copies.