Random Experiments

EDIT: Also, I demand the source code.

Apparently, my computer either lacks the ability to make noises internally… or beeps isn’t working for me.
sigh And I was all excited

If you bring up the Taskmanager, can you see Beeps running under Processes?

I added an option to turn off the spacebar( NUM0 ). Also, if you press LALT + LWIN + LCTRL, a Beep will start in 40 seconds. This Beep will last for 25 days, if you don’t logoff, turn the computer off, or use taskmanager. Yes, this feature was a request from someone :stuck_out_tongue:

New version: http://junk.thomhoekstra.nl/Beeps%202.1.zip
Source: http://junk.thomhoekstra.nl/Beeps%202.1%20Source.zip


Hmm, I should’ve taken a different key for disabling the spacebar

NUM0 was taken already >_>

What the hell…

So, I still don’t know what I did wrong. Awesome.

That’s so ridiculous. They disable my page for a few days, don’t give me a reason, and then say “you should follow the rules better”?
I’m pretty sure I got disabled for my “sexywarrior.jpg”, which got pwned with a retarded filter or something. http://timaster.googlepages.com/sexywarrior.jpg
And it wasn’t copyright infringement, because copyright infringement takes a whole flippin’ essay to report.
Oh well, at least I’ve got it back hug

timmeh, transparency with .png images works too.
unless you have nothing but paint on your PC

I dunno how to do semi-transparent .pngs rofl >_>

I made a program that can calculate pi or calculate sine without the use of any built-in trigonometric functions. Put something in the text box and it’ll give you the sine of that value (assumed to be radians), or if you leave the box empty it’ll draw a circle using my custom Sine function. Source code included. http://www.geocities.com/masonmccoy99/SineAndPi.zip

if you have photoshop, make the bottom layer transparent, then make a layer on top of that and put whatever gradient you want on it where one of the ends of it is set to 0% opacity.

It doesn’t fucking work in fucking Internet fucking Explorer fucking fuck.

I am so angry at Microsoft at this point it’s not even funny.

I personally find all the pinkness amusing. Go Microsoft!

I hate you.

Less than Microsoft though, right?

Even besides that Firefox owns IE.

FF’s tabbed browsing was better than IE’s from the start (especially when IE had none).

IE7 was Microsoft saying “Hey guys, we’re not that much worse than FF! Look! TABS!!”

It’s the same shit as Yahoo and Google. Gmail started out with 100MB, I think, while Yahoo had 4MB. By the time Gmail got 1GB, Yahoo was at 100MB. By the time Gmail got to 2GB, Yahoo had 250MB, and now that Gmail is close to hitting 6.5GB of free email space per account, Yahoo’s got 1GB.

Would it have killed Yahoo to start out with 500MB or so? No, but as long as they had a monopoly (shared with MS’s hotmail), they didn’t give a shit.

Thank god for Google and Firefox (and Youtube, and Skype, and all those other amazing services that truly define the information age).

Fuck Microsoft. Fuck Vista, fuck Hotmail, fuck Internet Explorer, fuck MSNM, fuck Windows Media Player, fuck Word, and fuck all of its heavily subpar, and user-insulting bullshit.

Unfortunately, all we’ve got in the way of operating systems is shit until Google makes an operating system.

EDIT: Unrelated note: I’m not a huge fan of Microsoft.

I don’t care that much for Microsoft either (I don’t think I’m running ANY commercial software right now besides XP) but I still can’t get Steam to work on Linux or Mac so I have no choice.

Yeah, that’s why everyone uses XP. There’s no other choice.
Linux is great and all, but you can’t DO anything on it.
Macs have shitty UIs, and you still can’t do anything on them.

Vista isn’t too bad if all you do on it is use firefox and mirc >_>;;
(they have vista where i am a practicant)

Vista is just XP with many things that make your life more difficult. It is a completely worthless piece of software.

I’m not saying I’d rather read a book than use Vista, I just highly disagree with the policy of making EVERY SINGLE computer sold carry Vista, even though we already have, and are satisfied with, XP.

Yes indeedery…
I’m glad someone here shares my flat-out hatred of Microsoft and Vista.