Rapidfire Paint Crap Topic

Ok, it’s not fair that you’re capable of making that in less than a minute.

If I’d tried to shade it, or work on it so that it was more than just lineart, I’d have spent way longer. Trust me.

It’s good lineart with good color choice. It’d take me like 5 hours. (well, okay, maybe not that much, but definitely over a minute).

I’ll second that.

Of course, I’m not a great spriter. I’m just a patient one who reworks things constantly over a long time. >_>

Yeah right, Dazzy!

That… would take me 5 hours…

Thanks guys, :stuck_out_tongue:

This is something I’m gonna start working on soon.

I’d hit it.

LR… I hope you’re working on that sprite contest… Instead of doing this ‘Rapidfire Paint Crap’ pictures. If you send me any of those… Bursts a vessel Count on me to PM to hell :angry: Seriously, please tell me if you’ve got any work done for the sprite contest, may it be incomplete or not. Thx.