Star Fox Assault 2-D

I…have some terrible news… finally started working again, and i tried to upload my game. And my computer crashed!!! I scrambled to turn it back on
hoping, praying that my computer would be ok. :frowning: and when i went to open my game… the words I dreaded came on screen “file seems corrupt, unable to open files”
no!!! I tried to open my backup i saved with it, it didnt open either. Then my last ditch effort to get my game back, i popped in the disc which has my game files on it.
I gave a sigh of relief as i dragged my game back onto my desktop. I clicked it…
“FILE SEEMS CORRUPT!!!” HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN? It wont open any starfox file i
have! even the backups on my disc! please if someone knows whats happening, help me! IM GOING FUKIN CRAZY! all that work for nothing. unless theres a way to open an exe. into a gm6. , im screwed. Im so totally screwed. :frowning:

Are you opening it with the correct Game Maker? If so, try reinstalling GM. I don’t see any reason for your backups to be corrupt as well…

Edit: Well, if you can’t get it restored, remaking your game won’t be nearly as hard as the first time around. You weren’t very far into the project yet, so you were pretty lucky anyway, even if your computer decided to randomly destroy all your .gm6 files for no particular reason, including backups not even connected to the computer at the time of the crash… Which is unbelievably improbable <_<

no, it isnt working. im gonna cry now cries under bed

EDIT- i told you you woulnt believe me. its like GM got messed up somehow, but reinstalling it should fix that. I dont get how this could happen. sur i could redo my game…i just… its just so frustrating. god dammit, i worked hard. best game i ever made. (im not that expierienced in GM)

V1.2was still on my CPU. I hope this works because I love this demo so far and I hope you get it straight. Oh and a better uploading site would be I know how it feels. My mom reformated her comp and now my game will be remade when I get my new computer next week.

That’s only the executable. You can’t do anything with that other than play it. He needs the GM6 file that he can edit.

And DH, you haven’t messed at all with the backups on your disc, right? Those should be absolutely fine. If they won’t work on your computer, it’s just your computer’s problem. If you have another computer, try loading it on there. And if not, and you’re really, really desperate, try installing Game Maker on a friend’s computer and loading your game. But I’d just start remaking it <_<

Im going to redo it (hence my new sig) lol

well, you guys wont be seing the new demo as fast as i had hoped. now it will
be twice as long wait. But, maybe it is for the better. I needed to organize the
game anyway, it was a little messy. And, maybe someone will have some sprites
made by then. It would be nice if someone actually made some.
like dazz, that would be cool ucz hes relly good spriter. well, thats that. nothing
i can do about it. youll be seein the next demo soon hopefully.

You can upload easily on this site it is way faster.

Czar, can u upload 1.2 and PM the address to me? Ill post it.

You need sprites? I’ve always wanted to do a side-scroller. I might be able to do one or two of the ships. If you need’em, tell me and I’ll see what can be done.

i would help with programming and all, but you already got things down (unless there is something you really need help with)

it would be great if you could help with Enemy AI. The objects would need to be completely independent though. that way i can easily intigrate them into my game. Ill
PM you details. The AI would mostly be for bosses since other AI is pretty simple. Let me know if your interested.

And, who here thinks i should make a forum for my game? I dont want to rush into anything, but I need spriters bad and only one person has volunteered. Maybe a forum would bring more attention to my game? I need your guys opinions.

Speaking of having volunteered, are there any particular sprites you think you’ll need? Preferably with reference images, as I’m not very familiar with the newer Starfox games.

I think you’ll actually get more attention by posting this fangame on a bunch of other forums instead of it having its own.

I can testify to that…

I see many fan-games offer forums yet they get a lot more attention from posting in places like this.

My game is posted on 3 different Metroid Fan-Site forums (1 of which has given me a sub-forum) … that has been ample. If I were to create a forum I cant see many people coming over to post on it.

Well, looks like I’m on the team. :slight_smile: Here’s the Arwing, engine flare, boost, and three weapons(I’ll do the rolling and turning sprites later, my mouse is acting up):

Anything needed done to it before I continue work?

sure, ill help with ai, tell me what you want done, ill make some examples with enemies, and send them to you, then all you have to do is put the code in your game, with no need to send me any code (thus, your game is safe always, no worries, i dont mind). give me some ideas for what you want for ai movement and such.

but… but… i was doing arwing!!!

not fair >.>

btw thats not the right arwing. newer one looks different. CHA! looks like im still in the game ^^

thats the n64 version u got ^^

I just did what Dark Hunter told me to. shrug My reference was a wireframe blueprint; I can’t find any good profile views of the Assault version of the Arwing. I can modify my sprite if I get one, though. :slight_smile:

i’ll be moving to my other house today, and i need to post my sprite here so i can upload it to my other computer to continue work.

i hope it didnt lose any quality >.>

anyway, i knwo it doesnt look like much now, but in an hour it’ll look alot better.

if anyone can get me a good view of the back of the arwing, that would be great.

I can also help with sprites. Nothing large scale but I can help. HP what is that?