star wars

from the clip i saw, it looks like nobody will (unless i recognize the scene they showed). it looked completely real.

Isn’t that a good thing?

Damn! the lightsaber actions are So Fast, So Furious
it is a masterpiece :laughing:

Not surprising, given your username. :>_>: The lightsaber clashes hurt my eyes. :stuck_out_tongue:

And when general Grievous (spelt wrong, most likely) swings the two light sabers on the ground reapetingly its like… OWWWWW MY FREAKING EARS!!!

I’ve yet to see the movie but I read the book and general grievous dude Kicks ass!

General Grievous is incredibly cool, though equally wimpy.

Ya, sorta sucks how he dies.

His arms get chopped off way too fast.

… It has a great plot, the acting is only bad on the romance parts, and what does it taking place in the past have to do with ANYTHING? Most movies do…

Well, the romance isn’t so bad if you look at it this way: Anakin and Padme have lived most of their lives in sexual repression, one being a jedi and another a senator. They’re new to the whole romancey thing :stuck_out_tongue:. Personally, given this, I find it’s pretty natural what they’re saying.

Plus they live in on a whole other solar system, even another galaxy. :wink:

One thing I find about Star Wars::all of the ailens look human like, wich I find strange. Why aren’t there any intelegent beings the size of hippos, with eight legs?

There are. I don’t know about eight legs though…

What I mean is as intelegent as humans but 100 feet tall and are super freaky looking…
So, no there isn’t… :wink: