Sun exploding

Actually, what with me being new and careless, I dinna look at the date. >.<

For a black hole to be created there must be something called a “Super Nova” Which happens once every 300 years in the Milky Way. The Nova then collapes into a neutron star(which have been discovered and proven to exist). The graviational pressure around the star sometimes can get intense and then it just colapses into a black hole.…eFormation.html more information there on it. There is a huge possibility that they do exist, and images from Hubble and other telescopes have proven that they might exist at the center of galaxies.

“Proven that they might exist.”


Read that. Please…tell me, how does that make sense? Something proven is either true or false, you cannot prove that something “might” exist. I’m not saying I don’t think they’re real, I’m just saying thatwe dunno yet.

i agree, that makes sense. if something can be proven, it can’t be might.

Won’t our sun turn into a white dwarf?

BAHHH. I’ve always thaught that a meteor will hit earth and every thing will go
FLY-FLY! DIE-DIE! BYE-BYE! Whatever that means. :huh:

I’m so tempted to sig that, but I won’t.

you can if you want.

I could without your permission anyway, but I won’t, like I said.

watches sun explode wow… that was awesome… can we change the channel now? i wanna watch something else

Our sun will not explode. It’s too small.

changes to channel 5… Moon goes boom

How many years will it take for that to happen?

Well, if all the midgets in the world were to demand more money, and threaten to all jump at the same time in the same country…

Tomorrow. :smiley:

No. Just no.

actually, i saw on discovery channel one time that our sun will explode…in about 4 to 5 billion years :sweat:

My opinion on the sun exploding: who cares? I’ll be dead long before that ever happens. Besides, we’ll end up destroying the earth long before the sun goes boom. :wink:

Our sun will expand into a red giant, not explode. At least that’s what my science teacher said. :>_>:

well, I would bury myself in the ground and put a tombstone in front of my grave, take a supply of pizza with me and the tombstone would say:
R.W.P. (rest with pizza), and no anchovies xD

That’s what I said too…

Wouldn’t you suffocate? You’d probably incinerate first though.