Too much Mario

I PERSONALLY think that they should launch it with Metroid Prime 3… but whatever. They said they weren’t going to… and I think they even said something about it being a Mario game at E3…

If the revolution is really as big a step as they say, it will be a mario game. he’s nintendos main man, and they always use him for jumps. Well the only real jump so far in Nintendo’s career was from SNES to N64, but still. >_>

Well, I found the DS a nice jump from the GBA… but the games for it so far are not something to brag about. The only thing they do…is…well, show you yet another ‘inovative’ way to use the DS controls. The only game I’m looking forward to is Metroid Prime: Hunters. Yes, I am totally addicted to Metroid… :sweat:

That of course being why I am here.

The only thing new that the DS brought was the touch screen. The SNES to the N64 brought 3d gaming, which was the biggest leap of all. The GCN only brought better graphic capabilities. And the ability to connect, ofcourse. The revolution is supposed to have tons of new features, but we’ll have to just wait and see how big’a jump it really is.

Don’t forget the microphone on the ds…

Yeah, I’ve heard wonderful things about the revolution. Like the built in hard drive, and the downloading of games onto it ^^V

What ELSE I heard about it I can not remember anymore… just the DVD and cd player parts… They are supposed to have a ton of wifi things, or networking on it. Weather it is a WiFi or ethernet thing, I do not know…

The control is supposed to have interesting features, instead of your standard rumple+buttons. There were a few pages found on controller design, but most people don’t believe it is real.

Hm… do you happen to know a place where I could see this page? Oooor no?

Apparently it was proven fake.

lol, I read about 50 interviews with people yesterday… so I have an idea about the controls.