
Geeze, even some of Nintendo’s sprites or whatever don’t look as good as yours man.

I’d love to put some colour on the lineart.


“Some avatars”? >_____>

I guess making people link their images past 25 is just an InvisionFree feature. You could bypass it by grouping them into larger images or just linking them. If you really don’t want to do either of those, we would understand and accept a quadruple post for this sort of situation, but it does seem silly to have to do that.

But I am interested in seeing these avatars…

Why couldn’t that go in one post? >_>

Cute though.


the little Snake and Gordon Freeman are my favorite xD

oh that’s dumb

also I fail reading comprehension

i guess they dont want to look at us xD

no they’d rather poke their eyes out >.>


Not really, but the body needs to move at least slightly…

way to revive a dead project :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

touch screen?

That’s pretty ugly >_>

I think the body animates very fluidly now. Quite an improvement, although now it’s a little hard for me on my (fairly crappy) monitor to distinguish between background legs and foreground legs. I’m sure any sort of details you add to them in the future will change that.

this’d be fun to have in a little mini-game or something


wtf is it?

Eyah, -_- Good question.

It looks like the animation got sped up. The first pic you posted is going noticeably slower.

And it SHOULD be slower, right now it looks spastic lol.

seems too flat to me… carapace sshould be shiny :smiley:

i still dunno what it is =D