what's you're favourite beam combo?

what’s you’re favourite beam combo?

  • super missle
  • wave buster
  • ice spreader
  • flamethrower
0 voters

what’s you’re favourite beam combo?what’s you’re favourite beam combo?what’s you’re favourite beam combo?what’s you’re favourite beam combo?what’s you’re favourite beam combo?what’s you’re favourite beam combo?what’s you’re favourite beam combo?what’s you’re favourite beam combo?what’s you’re favourite beam combo?what’s you’re favourite beam combo?what’s you’re favourite beam combo?what’s you’re favourite beam combo?what’s you’re favourite beam combo? :smiley: what else was I supposed to write

:imp: :imp: :imp: Where are the MP2 beam combos!!! :refuses to vote:

The Wavebuster. I feel powerful with it, and even more powerful with an Unlimited Missles AR code on! :smiling_imp:

I like all Beam Combos!! (from MP and MP2) :wink:




And dude, please learn the difference between you’re and your. That’s a really annoying mistake, and you used it wrong about ten times in just one post. :stuck_out_tongue:

My favorite is the Wavebuster, but I also like the Ice Spreader becuase it FREEZES THINGS SOLID and then shatters them. I love having power in my hands.

Ice Spreaded just cuz I always like Ice stuff.

I just love toasting things!

Ice Spreader.
It’s like the Super Missile, but with extra added Ice thrown in free.

As for the MP2 beam combos, they kind of sucked compared to Mp’s.
i liked the darkburst even though it was completely useless.

That wasn’t funny. that was just annoying.

Anyway, I’d say super missile, ice spreader, and sonic boom.

The wavebuster rules!!!

It locks onto the enemy, arcs past obstacles, and causes MASSIVE damage!!

Is the Wavebuster really that cool, or are you guys just obsessed with power?

The sonic boom is just extream. I mean its the most powerful weapon you can use in any metroid game.


Or phazon beam. But aren’t we talking about beam combos?

Hyper Beam is stronger than the Phazon Beam. It kills Mother Brain in one hit! And yes, were supposed to be talking about beam combos.

Flamethrower was my pick. Fire is cool heh.

We have another pyro…

Wavebuster!!! is is similar to the shock coil which is my favourite hunters weapon, metroids are cute :metroid:

holy fucking hell!

that is almost 2 years man…

