Which MP2 boss would you most like to...

Aye, I rather liked the larva form but I don’t see how it could work well in 2d, yknow?

The Larva form no but (Dark) Chykka can be fitted in quite easily no.

The larva form would have to be completely redone as it completely relies on 3D.

Yeah… I guess it could swim back and forth in the front and pop up at the sides, but that just doesn’t seem quite as cool and intense.

Perhaps when Emperor Ing jumps you’d have to run under him. Then when he ran he would sort of lower his body a bit, allowing you to jump over him. As for the Chrysalis, I have no clue.
For Chykka Larva, perhaps you could do a sort of 90 degree angle top-down view?

That’d be a damned high jump to get over him…
Hm… that could work… or have part of him and the water trail be visible behind you when he goes to the other side of the platform…

Emperor Ing: Sling a grapple point above his head! Then when he charges, you grapple! His body still would have to sorta lower a bit though, unless it was a really high grapple point.

Hm… that could fork. Or maybe have more warning so you can walljump up in time and then he jumps back to the other side after dashing?

Wall jumping is sorta screwed up in MP2. You’d have to have two walls arranged perfectly parallel with wall jump surfaces. That’d be a bit too obvious though. So, in short, I don’t think wall jumping would work.
Morph ball tunnel in the floor?

Too much like Prime Exo…

Prime Exo? What the heck is Prime Exo?

Prime’s first form from the original MP game. You avoided his dashes by going in morphball tunnels…

I like the grapple beam idea. Grapple isn’t used much.

Yeah, that’s why I liked chykka adult. Especially the part where he broke all the ground so you had to stay grappling the whole time.

Shame there was no boss you fought over a terminal fall in between grapple points… shooting while grappling had a lot of potential they didn’t use.

Edit: Yay, war wasp!

When I heard people talking about Chykka I though it was pillars with terminal falls. I was relieved to find it wasn’t!!!

That would have been awesome! ;_;

I probably couldn’t think up a boss shorthand without looking at a list, but I think dark samus would be fun, of course, and…hmm…uh…someone wanna give me a list?

Lessee… (Dark)Alpha Splinter, (Bomb Guardian)Alpha Sandigger, Alpha Blogg.

Spider Guardian. Boost Guardian. Grapple Guardian. PB Guardian. Jump Guardian.

Caretaker Drone, Amorbis, Chykka, Quadraxis, Emperor Ing. Dark Samus.

Um… I think that’s it.

Dude, I’ll bet powerbomb guardian could be fun in 2d.

Hmmm that would be easy in 2D. But it would still suck lol