072's Artstuffs

Wow! :O_O:

if you post something you should try to say more then 1 word…

looking very good 072… i like the energy coming out of his eyes/mouth… keep up the good work :slight_smile:


Well, I like the image. It’s a really cool sentinel. :smiley:>
Can you draw Silver surfer and Galactus too? please!

I suppose so. Never actually tried. =P

You must like X-Men alot and the drawing are good (rating 10/10)

Oh yeah, I like X-Men so much it isn’t healthy. And it’s where almost all my money goes. <_<

I dont like Xmen that much, but your a killer artist.

I like the X-Men 3 movie my favorite part was when the Jugarnate said, “Do you know who I’am, I’m the Jugarnate b-tch.” that was funny. hmm I think my brother has some old comic books of X-Men.


Yeah, my signature’s the best part isn’t it? <_< Completely illegible, as it should be.

Whoa… That’s pretty damn good. And I like the pose. :smiley:>

Well the pose isn’t mine, it’s from Phoenix Endsong #1, but it was still pretty difficult to get right.

Yay, my post didn’t show up. <_< [filler]

Anyone who can guess what guitar this is wins. At life. <_<

is it… an electric one?

<_< Well your narrowing it down… =P

nice guetar!!! is it elvises or one all the rolly stones?

Looks like the one my brother has… Only fatter… Les Paul?

Nope to everything so far. You’ll probably have to be a MAJOR fan of guitars or the band it’s featured in to know this.

Lol, i dont like guitars, or rock music, but it’s a great drawing.

is it a rock band guitar?


narrowing it down further, right?