AlphaEva's Sprite and Art thread

yeah sure go ahead

thnk you, i will credit to you on with others, when release around September or earlier you’ll see:D

Ok sweet

heres a more finished copy of the first drawing I did

WOW 0_0 that’s incredible absolutely incredible.

(PS: your drawings look like my friend’s drawings)

Ok im working on a AU sprite from MP3, Anyone interested?

RP already made one, but more is always good.

Who? where is it?

RoguePirate, my game-making partner.


Not quite finished…

Nice! i ment more like the GF controlled one, the one in the stasis tanks

Ok here is what i have so far for the GF Aurora Unit


This is the type of work I’ve wished I’d see more of on this forum.

I like it ALOT. I’m not sure about the colors though. What reference picture did you use? Anyway, it’s very nice.

Which colors are wrong exactly?

what is it? forgive my ignorance.

Sprite from Metroid Prime 3: Corru()+_%$+ …sorry Corruption lol

That’s… pretty awesome. The brain itself looks incredible.

But it seems awfully off-centered. It’s clinging to the bottom, and there’s tons of empty space at the top.

And you can’t just flip the base like that and expect it to work. It’s lit from above, so flipping it over creates a conflicting light source.

Yeah i think its pretty acurate. but i need some help on the animations, like what should i do? have it glowing?

Fix it before you animate it.

ok here we go, and also the second sprite is when its corrupted by the Courruption Virus

I dunno if ANY of the colors are wrong, but it just doesn’t look right for some reason. Do you have a reference pic you could post?