arceus' sprites


Hey, before you do that, can you do this just real quick for me? Stab yourself in the heart with a comma, then deal the final blow to yourself with a period. It’s that little dot thing on the scary right side of the keyboard that’s populated by unknown creatures of grammar. It’s amazing how people can slughter things that they don’t even understand.


omg wat iz dis peryud that yew speek ove

Disclaimer for people saying he should get away with bad grammar because he’s from Mexico: Este es espa?ol. Espa?ol tiene gram?tica. Toda las idiomas tienen gram?tica. No es una excusa para hablar sin punctacion o capitalizaci?n.

I don’t know much Spanish, but I can still use a readable amount of grammar and writing conventions.

Everyone should learn english.
It’s sad that there are so many stupid europeans that juat want to speak their stupid languages.

It’s irritating to have to use sign language and drawings to make yourself understood on your vacation.

But I always thought that spix had to learn english in school.
Looks like I was wrong.

I thought everyone hated our stupid language?

no, but americans have to learn spanish for some reason

not that i ever passed a spanish class

Fuck that. Ich lerne Deutsch, bitch. :stuck_out_tongue:

Spanish is for people who consider Mexicans to be equals.

EDIT: And yes, I know I’m going to hell.

du Sprechen deutsch swan?

and spanish is a good language…its more lyrical than english or german

Nur ein Bisschen, Ja? Three years in High School isn’t really enough to be fluent, but hopefully a couple years in Germany will fix that.

Japanese ftw. :stuck_out_tongue:

Better idea. Everyone speak Klingon.

lets all speak in silence…

You should learn to speak norwegian like masculine vikings.

@swan: Ich habe nicht Deutsch ist f?r drei Jahre gesprochen, so mein Deutsch ist nicht sehr gut :smiley:

and it speaks for something that I have google translator open in the other tab to check spelling

@zurg how did you know that that was what I actually meant :smiley:
