*** Artifacts of the Month ***

Tick the “loop” option. >_>

shouldnt the base light spin consistently?

Which is where again?

Depends which program you use.
If you’re using GM like I used to, there isn’t one.

No, I mean in a post…

Here you go.

I think you should change the colors a bit to get a bit more contrast.

How did you make it loop?

Loop program of the animator. The forum doesn’t animate it, the program does.


Which sites can do that? (I’ve been using Imageshack)

That’s not what does it either. You use a program, then upload to imageshack, then upload here. >_>

I animated it in Adobe ImageReady, saved it as .gif, uploaded it to Photobucket and posted the link here.


Well, time to stop usin’ GM…

its spinning a bit fast, but it looks good


this program will take a string of seperately saved .gif files and allow you to “drag and drop” them into the little box. then you can define the wait time between frames

note to do this you need to save each frame as a seperate gif

Mine’s better.

According to popular belief, anyway! The GUI could use a bit of tweaking, and I’m working on fixing up some of the code and finally adding the Optimize feature (which someone else made), but it’s useful, it’s usable, and it has been that way for most of a year.

I have a slight problem with KinAnim:
“Component ‘CKin_NumberBox.ocx’ or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid”

… Phlake, your ice platform is looking alright, but you should base your colour palette and the texture on a good reference. It’s better than before, but keep on working on it.
As for your phazon tiles, they loop quite badly (there’s a pattern that appears): just mess around for a bit and keep practicing on tiling it, and scramble the pattern.
Your grappling hook upgrade sprite is okay because there are too many colours, plus the contrast level is just too low… try and keep the P2D style going :wink:
You’re all doing more than me on this project, which is good for you but not for me O.o

Expect… more from me :wink:

I’ll do something for next month guys :wink:

Okay, 4 more frames to go.
C+C very much appreciated :smiley:

And nice, those are shiny!

Okay thanks!