**Build demo topic**

I see your point, but it’ll still look odd compared to the other sprites in P2D… :\

Either way, can you at least not do the bent foot?

I’ll try my best to get it to look decent without the bend, but I can’t start at all until DF posts MH’s Samus sprites. :stuck_out_tongue:

You know, in my topic in Progress, I was hesitating about saying so… Updating Samus’ sprite. It has this dark border and a strange stance, and as daz was saying, it doesn’t look quite right… Though I do agree with him to a certain extent with the SM sprites: tip-toe stances just look like crap, otherwise the rest is good. A cross between SM and Fusion sprite styles would be perfection, because ZM has an awkward stance (3/4 legs and a flat torso). Fusion is SM, except with smaller sprites and a better stance.

Yeah, what about the SA-X? Admittedly, I don’t remember it exactly, but also don’t remember it bothering me the way SM did, while still looking more ‘traditional’ than ZM’s.

What I meant about the P2D sprite is that some areas of the armor are shaded black/dark blue, rather than dark brown, as the upper arm or the lower leg of the sprite is. Now I wouldn’t mind editing those sprites for, or more generally, any sprite. I’m better at massive editing than spriting. So if 072 doesn’t have time to do them, I’ll be very glad to. It’d be ridiculous if I stole the sprites and claimed I did them, because a) I just wouldn’t feel proud of what I’ve done; b) I’d rather redo it completely myself. It’s a question of ego, you see.

Er… I’m not editing the Samus sprites, I’m creating new ones from scratch.

Shading with a contrasting color (an alternate light source) increases realism (if done right, of course). http://www.itchy-animation.co.uk/light.htm

Uh, hey, if we end up with new from-scratch Samus sprites, does that mean the old spritesheet may be made available by the author to other fangame makers and comic artists, etc.? That would only make sense to me, unless he’s going to use it in a different one of his own or a specific other project. Why waste? :slight_smile:

Well, that’s obviously up to MH, and he doesn’t seem to come around here often any more…

It’s also up to whether or not 072 or someone else can do better. >_>

That’s the spirit!

Pardon me for not being particularly enthused that you’re copying something I find so aesthetically displeasing.


I’m very pleased that you are remaking those sprites! Talking of which, the space pirates might need a face-lift… Anyway, as usual, I’m ready to edit/recreate sprites for P2D.
Also, as a response to McCoy’s post, that dark color was too dark to actually look realistic. The contrast between border and shading is too high. I DID look on the link, and I do know what shading is, I have studied how light sources work and their appearance on diffferent surfaces. I’m not totally hopeless at drawing or spriting.

WIP. Just a quick scanned sketch, and I needed to scale it down. No shading yet.
A Photoshop Project. That is all.

Uh, I just found a weird glitch I haven’t seen documented. If you get shot while in an “insert metallic sphere” lock, you unmorph and get frozen in place. >_>

Happened to me first time I played (yayz first post I made) trying to go down the elevator with the two turrets shooting at me…Might want to do something about that, or maybe next time I’ll kill em’ first…

Are the sprites done yet? Are the sprites done yet? Are the sprites done yet? SHUT UP So, how are the sprites? How much have you done? I’d really like to see them upgraded. I looked at Daz’s new avatar, and I thought… that the space pirates look awesome! Absolutely amazing! Carry on the good work!

OLD sprites (a year old)! Dithering madness!

The sprite… The new one… It looks WEIRD. WTF are those monkey arms for? Apart from that, absolutely excellent. Yes, I double posted. That way you know I added something.

The hell are you talking about? >_>

Hey man you draw good, that bunny looks cool and stylish, how well do you sprite, or paint, mind showing something finished, your best or anything good from you

I was talking about your avatar. 072 didn’t do that bad a job, though I’m sure he/she could do better. You’ll see what I mean if you refer to my previous posts.

Thanks. I’ve got a lot better. I’m sorry, but most of my work is WIP, and you saw some of my stuff like those planets up the page, or the SC competition, 2nd page.
I thought that if I show you my drawings you might have a better idea how I draw, and sprite. I’d REALLY like to help you with P2D, and I keep saying so, but I’ve got the impression that I’m talking to thin air.
I update my WIPs now and then. That custom MF standing sprite (see previous pages) has been updated, and I’m doing a side sprite for it. This is not posted yet, so don’t go looking for it.
BTW your art gallery is good. Do you use Coral or Adobe? And I guess you must take several weeks to get that nice, detailed and realistic look.

Don’t worry about that; the Samus in Daz’s avatar is definitely not the final version.

Here’s what I’m at right now. The arms are fixed and the chest is more pointy: