Can you find the hidden message in this post?

You’re right, that IS simple! As a matter of fact, it’s the only one of these damn riddles I was able to solve on my own.

I have a riddle! Perhaps you’ve heard it, but it’s pretty good.

Someone in this forum will sit in my big, yellow frying pan.
To find out who, imagine a triangle whose angles intersect
at your monitor, tower and your self, look at your watch
and see who gets in.

Hope this isn’t too simple.

Give you all a hint on the nature of the answer the last riddle I put up: It cannot exist. It would be tangible, and it really CAN’T exist. However, you would never see it. Keep thinking…

Yes you are right!! here is your Metroid Shaped Cookie!! :metroid: :metroid:

No. It was not sarcasm. I’m not that stupid. :stuck_out_tongue: Aerthyplomaa just tries to insult me. And only one person went to Japan. I edited out the spaces, BTW.

Actually, Shinobi, I did think you were being sarcastic, cause I was too lazy to bother figuring out, thus it didn’t occur to me you may have figured it out.

Shinobi got it right.

Here’s one that’s a real stumper (I can probibly see no one getting it right though). It’s more of a math problem:

Three men decide to stay in a hotel for one night. The clerk says it’s $30 a night, so they each pay $10. Later that night the clerk realized he made a mistake and that the room was only $25. So he sends the bellhop up with the $5 change for the three men. The bellhop was extremely lazy and decided to pocket $2 so he could make an even trade. Well that means the men paid $9 each for the room. 9x3 is 27 plus the 2 the bellhop has is 29. Where’s the missing dollar?

The missing dollar is split among the men. Since you mentioned only full bill’s, and no extra cents, the excess is far less than a dollar a person, and thus ignored from your riddle entirely. If I’m right, then that riddle was the easiest yet.

Clue to my last riddle: If it existed, it would be infinitely small, yet you could never cross it. It would be the darkest and lightest place in existence. All colors at once, with and without the properties of white light coming into effect simultaneously. Basically, every contradiction in the book. It’s commonly equated with 0, though that definition is completely wrong.

You’re wrong. It’s actually alot simpler than that.

There is no missing dollar!

They each pay 10$ then the clerk gives them back 5. The bell boy keeps two. So they each payed 9$ but now they both have three and the bell boy has two so… 30-2$-3$ is 25$!!!

I’m asuming noones going to answer my riddle. Too bad. The answer is quite simple: Nothing. Technically, in our world, nothing can’t exist. We have at least void. Our “nothing” is space, distance. Nothing actually means a complete lack of EVERYTHING, rather than so much distance between this and that. If it’s lacking everything, it’s a walking contradiction. Mathmatically, 0 is nothing, though the mathematical equivalent of nothing would more likely be a sign with a simultaneous definition of infinity, negative infinity, and 0. 0 is – more accurately – the lack of a value. I’m 'onna take a break from riddles for a while. But when I get back. you’ll be crying in agony at the next riddle.

Aura… am I right?

Oops, yeah you are. Good Job.

I’ll find some more riddles later.

I win!

rant: Go Samus go Samus it`s my Birthday…

Happy 4th Birthday Dark Samus.

You must admit that was somewhat humorous.

Your only off Oh 9 years. Don`t worry I know it was Hilarious…

Happy birthday. I’d give you punches but you can’t give a negative ammount of punches. :stuck_out_tongue:.

(Sorry couldn’t help it).

Yes you can, you just punch your self that many times. :smiley:

one is east one is west they can hear most things but cannot see…
p m if you get it…

oh yeah its hard… 8)

Here’s one you won’t be able to solve so easily.

[i]After two boring days of drizzle and inactivity, Sherman Holmes intercepted a call reporting a murder victim found in a car. Sherman happened to be driving his classic Bentley at the time and made a quick turn up High Canyon road.

He arrived to find Gunther Wilson standing between his patrol car and a white Sedan parked beside a panoramic view. The sergeant actually looked glad to see him. “I’m a little out of my depth on this one,” he said. “It’s a celebrity, Mervin Hightower. Shot at close range. I’m waiting for forensics and a tow truck. On top of being murdered, his car battery’s dead.”

The whole city knew Mervin Hightower, a newspaper columnist who specialized in scandalous exposes. Sherman walked around to the driver’s side. An arm extended out the partially open window, propped up on the glass edge. The hand was made into a fist, except for the index finger, which was straight and firm with rigor mortis.
“He appears to be pointing,” Sherman deduced. “How long has the fellow been dead?”
“What do I look like, a clock? The forensics boys will narrow it down. I saw the car and stopped to see if he needed help, which he doesn’t. I recognized him, even with the blood.”

Sherman looked in to see the columnist’s familiar face contorted and frozen in agony. “I presume the man survived for a minute after the attack. What do you think he was pointing at, old bean? Something that could identify his killer?” Sherman lined up his eyes along the extended arm. “What story was he working on?”

Wilson pulled a newspaper from his back pocket. “Here. In today’s column, he says he’s gonig to expose some embezzlement from the City Charity Board.”
“There are only three people on the Charity Board,” Sherman said, checking the column for their names. “Marilyn Lake, Arthur Curtis, and Tony Pine.” Then he examined the view, a glistening lake, a neon sign for Curtis Furniture and a majestic grove of evergreens. “Zounds!”
“Zounds is right. If Mervin was trying to point out his killer, he did a lousy job.”
“Not necessarily.” Sherman was thinking. “I think he did just fine.”[/i]

Who killed Mervin Hightower, and how did Sherman know?

Curtis was the killer, 'cause Hightower was pointing at “Curtis” Furniture.

EDIT: Read it again. Not so sure now… :confused: