Daz's sprites/models/cg's/etc

I love it. There’s this guy doing an FF72D game. The site was www.ff7-2d.com, but I don’t know if it’s still up.

Well, according to that site, the status of it is:


Crappy too. That would have made a kickass game.

It’s accurate to the game. He’s awesome though. You’re truly a sprite master Daz.

Felt like making Forte in FE6 style.

Hmmm…a Fire Emblem game using Megaman characters…interesting.

Who is forte?

Bass from Mega Man 7, 8, Megaman And Bass, Power Fighters 1 and 2.

Er, yeah, but this one’s the Battle Network version. Looks a bit different as you can see.

Holy crap! Daz double posted! :whack:
Those are kick-ass sprites though. I think you’d need more intermediate sprites though.

Double posting is acceptable for updating fanfics, so why not sprite threads, I figure. You want people to notice your update, after all.

I agree. Fanfics and well fan things in general if the original creator of the topic or project double posts to show updates it should be ok.

By the way kickass Forte sprites Daz.

what program do you use to make sprites, cuz i just use ms paint

Paint is the only program that a true spriter uses. :slight_smile: Anything more advanced is impure and stupid. XD

And at last, I return from my spriting hiatus. I come bearing Noxus.

If you put it anywhere obvious, it’ll probably be stolen by a loser from my school that takes Metroid sprites, even the Phazon Shot from P2D, and turns them into crappy pictures with kickass stolen sprites. He doesn’t even give credit! :astonished:

YaY! I’m so happy to see that the different directions aren’t just flip-flops of each other. You get a cookie. :metroid:

Shouldn’t be at all surprising. I’m the pirate guy, remember? And I was careful about THOSE…

They need to be fixed in certain axpex…

Liek, they should be a little more taller and thinner. And imo it would be better if the legs were facing different directions.