Dazzy's Artstuffs

That thing is just awsome.

What is it? Makes me want photoshop.


It’s a zerglin’, Lester!!

Oh, and because I forgot to point it out earlier, lineart by Phil Gonzales. Used with permission, etc.

Psh, like anyone really thought I drew that though.


Draw your own stuff, man. Then we’ll talk. <_<

But I can’t draw worth a shit, and I have no scanner any more. >_>;


Never really did get into starcraft. My friends had tried to get me into it, but I always prefered jumping on goombas over telling a bunch of robot dudes what to do.


Well, only one race has any true robots… :stuck_out_tongue:

And only like two or three of them at that. <_<

Starcraft is a horrid rip off of WARHAMMER 40k and for this reason I hate it.
The drawing is really good by the way.

Drooltastick Zergling there Dazzy, but don’t they look different? That one kinda looks like a mini Hydralisk… Not that that’s bad =D

That’s the cutscene version. Ingame ones look somewhat like that but with differently detailed head crests and fingered arms growing out of their backs, and the recent ones used in War3/Ghost are quadrupeds with scythe-arms on their backs and no head crests.

Also, while Starcraft did unquestionably draw some initial inspiration from Warhammer, it’s fully developed into its own original mythos by now and that’s no reason to abhor it.