Debate topic

Ugh… I’ll throw my two cents in because I’m just too damned bored.

Abortion - No. Why? Well one it really is murder, but for a more important reason, dumbasses who get knocked up should pay for that. It’s not like the sole purpose of sex was to feel pleasure. That was just a primeval incentive to do it. Sex = babies. Period. Overpopulation? It’s because people are extremely stupid. If they actually were forced to pay for it, there wouldn’t be rampant sex with babies.

Religion - I have my own views on the Catholic Church, which kinda makes me a heretic. But when it comes to other people, sure, go ahead, believe what you want. Just don’t force your views on me.

And on a side note, I really really hate stereotyping people, especially Christians. From what I’ve seen there’s two predominant views: They’re judgemental “I own you all” fucks, or they’re overly-pious do-gooders, the first being the most prominent. Get this: Neither are the case, at least in any significant numbers. Most Christians I’ve run into act like everyday dumbasses. Fuck, kids in my Catholic private school get knocked up and have abortions all the time. But what I do hate is when people label me like this, because really I have views opposed to basically all of theirs.

Sex != Babies. The sole purpose of sex IS for pleasure smart one. Why do you think people make porn? Why do you think your body is most active during sex? …Oh wait, you’re christian.

There isn’t anything wrong with Muslims. If I were to compare the three great religions; Christianity, Judaism, Islam, at the scale of ignorancy from 1-10, Islam would come at 3, Judaism at 7, and Christianity at 10.

Why? First of all, Islam DOES believe in the same god as the other two religions, but unlike theirs, they aren’t hypocrites, they actually follow the religion because they love it, they don’t fear for their lives, and a long time ago, they calculated the Earth’s circumference. Their teachings said that God put things in the world for mystery and curiosity, and that they were meant to find truth, and knowledge. Science, pretty much.

Why do christians always blame things on “the devil”? Ooh, he’s bad, blame the devil. He got bad grades, ooh, it’s the devil.

I’m having an ulcer now. I’m going to the beach to let the sun bake and rupture my lungs. No offense to anyone. :sweat:

Uh huh. Open attack. You’re a dipshit.

Sex is the process by which two sexual-organisms of the opposite gender combine their genetic material in the form of a sperm cell and an ovum which serves to form a zygote, the first of many cells which makes up an offspring of those two organisms.

Why do people make and watch porn? Probably because they’ve forgotten what the real purpose is and only want the physical benefit of it. People are selfish. Wake the fuck up.

And more of the stereotyping. I just love it. “LOL CHRISTIANS ARE IGNORANT LOL THEY BLAME ALL PROBLEMS ON THE DEVIL AND MUSLIMS ARE BETTER BECAUSE THEY ACTUALLY FOLLOW THE RELIGION LOLOLOLOL.” People aren’t infallible, nor are they perfect, and judging masses by affiliation is the utmost form of ignorance.

I stereotyped. Ooh. Who cares? Everybody stereotypes, hardly anyone doesn’t stereotype. And if I made that stereotype, it implies that I saw a lot of that, right wise ass? I never said Muslims were better because they followed the religion. Check again, smart ass. Seriously, I meant no offense to anyone, but nice job.

“Probably because they’ve forgotten what the real purpose is and only want the physical benefit of it.”

No shit sherlock. I wonder how you came up with that one, Detective Smart Ass.

“Sex is the process by which two sexual-organisms of the opposite gender combine their genetic material in the form of a sperm cell and an ovum which serves to form a zygote, the first of many cells which makes up an offspring of those two organisms.”

Again, no shit? I never said that isn’t what sex is. I said the purpose for it was for pleasure. If it wasn’t for the purpose of pleasure, you wouldn’t ejaculate when you’re in there, wise one.

As for calling me a “dip shit,” had I been the dip shit, I wouldn’t have read your post, and interpreted incorrectly. Where as, you, interpret–and couldn’t read it–incorrectly.

Oh, I forgot to mention, don’t start whining whenever you get stereotyped, smart one. You’re bound to experience it at some point, so you might as well deal with it.

No offense to anyone? “Oh that’s right, you’re christian.” “IS for pleasure smart one.” Right, like those weren’t intended to be derrogatory? Even in the littlest sense?

And plus, the pleasure isn’t the real purpose. Are you insinuating that the baby aspect of it is a side effect? We’re talking about the very thing that keeps this shitball of a species going. If everyone wanted to have sex purely for the purpose of getting pleasure out of it and thus tried to avoid having the children at all costs, the entire race would die out. But then again, seeing as how humanity sucks in general regardless, maybe that’s a good thing.

Plus your argument is full of “smart ass.” Pitiful.

I never said, “Oh that’s right, you’re christian.” And, “IS for pleasure smart one,” isn’t derrogatory. Not even in the littlest sense, no. You mis interpreted when I said, “…Oh wait, you’re christian.” So, “Oh that’s right, you’re christian,” and “…Oh wait, you’re christian,” isn’t the same.

If people didn’t have sex for pleasure, condoms wouldn’t have existed. The Penis and the Vagina are organs meant for, yes, multiplying. However, you also get something out of this: pleasure. Therefore, pleasure and offspring, are basically the sole purposes for sex. So when I said, “The sole purpose of sex IS for pleasure…” I’m pretty much stating one of the purposes, since that is what I was doing.

My argument isn’t full of “smart ass” opinions. Science isn’t being a smart ass. Science is science. My reason is my reason–therefore, I’m not being a “smart-ass” even if it seems that way. I’m simply calling you wise ass for the fun of it.

“Sole purpose IS pleasure” is different from “One of the main purposes is pleasure.” Saying that “one thing IS” implies that it and it alone is attributed to that.

Also, judging by your stereotype of christians along with the context, it’s not like saying that, for a fact, I’m of that religion, but more to the effect of that I’m privvy to those views so much that it’s to the letter.

And no, I didn’t say “smart ass OPINIONS” I said “smart ass” which is to say that it really was full of things meant to demean rather than prove a point. Debates aren’t constructive if that’s the only thing they’re full of.



In the case of abortion, I’m pro-stopusingprolifeandprochoicetodescribethetwosides. Because pro-life suggests that those who aren’t with them are all evil murderers, and pro-choice suggests that those who aren’t with them are all dictators. Other than the fact that children probably wouldn’t use them, those are pretty childish insults and it’s going nowhere.

Otherwise, I pretty much completely agree with Daz. But I don’t feel that strongly about it, and the whole thing is mostly opinion, so… I agree with Daz again.

Gold Leader, Rewrite, wtf.
Chill pill plz.


  1. I wasn’t insulting muslims. I was wondering why they hate christians/jews even though they have almost the same religion, and vice versa. For that matter, why are there religious rivalries between muslim factions? Or between christian factions? Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  2. Muslims aren’t necessarily more pious than christians. You haven’t met more than like 5 in your life, I’d bet, so you don’t really have a say in that. Nor do I, but there’s no reason to assume you’re right.

  3. The sole purpose of sex is reproduction. The sole incentive to have sex is pleasure. God/mother nature/whatever else created sex with the sole purpose of our reproduction in mind, but to ensure it actually happens, they made it fun, too. Hence why people keep bitching about condoms; it’s contradicting god/mother nature/whatever else. Dunno why anyone decided that’s a bad thing.

  4. People blame things on the devil because they don’t want to hold themselves responsible for some things. Same reason why a lot of people believe in god. It’s nice to think it’s not your fault/responsibility in some cases.
    Of course, it makes you a total dick, but that’s where fact ends and opinion starts.

  5. Rewrite, stop using “smart one”. That got old in like 7th grade for me.

Wow…Gold Leader and Rewrite just totally got into like, a slap fight. Seriously, chill.

As for the abortion thing, like someone mentioned before, I think it should be up to the moms. Because, when women get raped, and have a kid that not only do they not want, and the father’s an asshole, then that’s not their fault. Plus, a lot of YOUNG women get raped. So like, if a sixteen or seventeen year old GIRL has to drop out of freaking highschool just cause some stupid jerk decided to screw with her against her will and then said “Here, have a kid. I’m not going to take care of it. I’m going to do this to other people. Enjoy the rest of your life.” You can’t tell me then that that’s right.

By the way, I told this guy I know, “Don’t worry. Jesus loves you. Everyone else thinks your an asshole.” Someone else said, “No wait! He’s Jewish! He hates Jesus!” Uh…why does everyone say that Jewish people hate Jesus? Wasn’t he Jewish? Yeah, they don’t think he’s the Messiah…but I don’t think they hate him.

(P.S. If you attach a monetary value to everything…can I have your soul for three cents and a lollipop? It’s a good deal.)

Granted. And I have met many Muslims over the years. <_< And Muslims fight with jews and christian due to prophecy.

As for stopping the use of “smart one,” No. I’m not going to stop using it because I use it. I don’t really care if it got old 20 years ago, or not. But I’m still using it, so it isn’t “old.”

I have absolutley nothing against Jews or Muslims. I don’t know any other Christians who do, either. Where did this come from?

Oh, and yeah, on the abortion subject, I didn’t even think about rape and stuff. =/

Abortion should be made strictly for certain cases, then. If the mother went out and got herself pregnant, than that’s her problem. If a 14 year old girl (or any other age, really) gets molested, the choice should be hers.

But that’ll happen the same day we get better gun control laws.

I’ll elaborate on my pro-abortion views now.

First of all, let me lot loose points under the false pretense that I’m completely blind to the fact that abortion is taking a life. It is, and I acknowledge it fully. There’s no getting around it- when you abort a fetus, you are stopping a potential human being from coming into full form. Is this murder? Yes. Am I still pro-abortion? Yes.

I’m not a neo-murder-nazi, but the fact is, people murder in the name of freedom all the time. Take the Iraq war. Even though we, as Americans, don’t particularly benefit from stabilizing Iraq, we’re still willing to kill off our own citizens so that Bush won’t look like a chicken. When we ran off on the mission against terrorism after 9/11, I don’t think anybody would have complained if the USA had opened fire on a bunch of babies in terrorist outfits. All in the name of “freedom”, even though attacking somebody else doesn’t really add to our “freedom quota”, as I put it.

Now, we slaughter and essentially murder animals all the time, and nobody has a problem with it. That’s because animals are “below” us, which you all know I have a problem with. Either way, you’re taking a life, with no particular moral gain. Are humans smarter than animals? Yes, but a fetus isn’t. If we truly judge superiority by intelligence, than we should have no problem with killing a fetus. But we do, because a fetus can become a human being. But it’s the same story for animals. If we’d stop driving species into extinction, they too could become just as intelligent as we, just on a longer term… so if we’re still killing animals, we can keep killing babies, at least if the alternative is an infringement of womans’ rights.

And womans’ rights ARE being infringed, no doubt. When a potential mother is pregnant, her body is being shared with the fetus; but regardless, it’s still her body, and if she has the right to do whatever she wants with it. The fetus is completely dependent on the mother’s good will. To me, when it’s a contest between life and rights, I choose rights. That’s the choice this country has been making over and over again, and there’s no reason why it should change now.

I could go on, but I think I got my point across.

And WTF Gold Leader and Rewrite. Chill. Shouting will not make your opponent take you more seriously.

Animals have no soul, so it isn’t actually murder.

Of course, it can be debated that baby fetuses have souls.

Of course, it can be debated if there is a such thing as a soul.

Stop bashing Christians, oh wait, Christians blame everything on the devil because they want something to blame it on.
Tim, I respect you in every way possible and I respected everything in your post BUT THIS. I like to reiterate the fact that maybe YOU know some Christians, but that doesn’t make you an expert. It might be true that bad stuff are blamed on the devil, but we Christians have the responsibility to resist the flesh by getting to know God more.

Three part of the body: flesh, soul, spirit.

And it can also be debated that animals have no soul.

Hm… I could have sworn all creations of “god” were holy. I guess christians, since they are people and wouldn’t kill themselves or say they don’t have souls, would just say animals have no choice.

…If animals don’t have “souls” then why are they alive? Wouldn’t anything with a life have a soul attached? And, murder, is pretty much death by something. I can say, “The cat murdered him.” So the phrase, “Animals have no soul, so it isn’t actually murder,” doesn’t make sense.

Not that I am fighting on the animals’ side saying they DO have souls. I’m posting it in a way to show just how sometimes things in the bible, along with a lot of religions, don’t make sense.

You’re very close. But according to a Japanese game involving killing nonexistent creatures with a oversized lock opener, the three parts are: Body, Soul and Heart.

People keep saying all these things about souls, and how animals don’t have them and people do…and the question that comes up is: What, exactly, is the definition of the SOUL? Because, really I’m kind of curious what exactly is this thing that makes us superior to animals. I foolishly thought that we were superior because of the awesomeness of me, but if there is something ELSE! Well, I may potentially have to change my entire world view.

Oh Algernon, you’re so silly. American freedom is different from other “normal” freedoms. American freedom is democracy and the American right to violently force democracy on other, weaker countries who can’t defend themselves with nuclear weapons. Duh. Attacking someone so totally adds to American freedom quota.

(P.S. Would you rather die a thousand terrible deaths, or live forever? And I do mean, FOREVER.)

I’m going to throw in my basic idea of what creationism and the big bang (as it is called) are. I think they are both PARADOXES!!! Yes, you read that right, I said PARADOXES!!! Creationism states that a higher being created everything, but if nothing was there, then how was a creator there to create something because nothing was there!!! Spooky, huh? The big bang is easier to explain. If matter cannot be created or destroyed, then how was it created? Matter can be converted to energy, though, so the Big bang could have been caused by a mass influx of energy, but it says that the universe was CREATED, so nothing was there before. If nothing was there, then how could there be energy there to create the universe. So creationism and the big bang are PARADOXES!!! So that’s my view on the two “how did we get here” ideas.

I’m hungry…