Debate topic

Dazzy’s posting from school? =O

Ah, I feel terrible for missing this topic.

So yeah, my opinion of religion and church.

Religion was created to give order to people with no reason to do the right thing. People would be rewarded with Salvation for being good.

Then, when people didnt buy that, they invented Hell, and said that if you didnt do these things, your soul would burn in eternal suffering.

Necessary Manipulation, but manipulation nonetheless.

But that’s not life. The way I see it, existence is just a big math equation with variables, that respond to each other with potentially different outcomes held in different dimensions. The Universe probably has recreated and destroyed itself over the course of immesurable time, probably a loop. Of course, this sounds the most logical to me, and while there’s probably a trillion other ways it could work, a higher being isn’t on my list.

Something I forgot to touch on before–and what’s wrong with assuming that?

They are absolutely identical. They have exactly the same proof, the same requirement of using blind faith in absence of reason, the same everything.

The ONLY major difference, besides one having a pantheon more, is how many people believe in them.

To those who believe in them, they’re equally real. To anyone else, they’re equally illogical, irrational, damn stupid fairy tales.

All I can say is: Haha.

Lots of people are born manipulated. I don’t get what is wrong with Metallica. Metallica isn’t devil music. Just because they have long hair, and play guitar like badd asses, doesn’t make them anything to do with “Devil.”

People invented Religion due to just one thing: Faith. Faith, doesn’t mean reason. If we lived in a world where nothing had to be proven to be true, we would all be living in palaces out of simple things we could claim, “I saw god! and he said I have divine powers! WORSHIP ME LOL.”

If we lived in more of a world of facts, we would be in somewhere far far away, away from the Ozone Layer rupturing and destroying us all.

And that. Who is to blame for the Ozone Layer? People who usually don’t believe in science. Religious people hate Science, and anything to do with “abomination” against religion, yet, they love our Cars that we invent. Our television. Our computers. And many more, yet they hate a lot of us. Nice job morons. <___<

I like how you split religious people and science people, with “them” being religious and “us” being science. That’s a terrific way to get people to listen to you.

Okay, so how pathetic, is the human race then? The “only” thing stopping people from just doing whatever the hell they want and going on a mass-killing spree, is the knowledge that they’ll burn in eternity for not worshiping an angry god? Does that even make sense? Whatever.

Evolution has factual evidence and logic. Religion just has “faith”. Yeah, well screw faith. I have faith, that I will rule the world and everyone will be my minions. Yeah, I believe it. Doesn’t mean its true, or going to happen. It is and will though.

(P.S. Down with Democracy! Up with Capitalism! Down with Democracy! Up with Capitalism! Down with Democracy! Up with Capitalism! Down with Democracy! Up with Capitalism!)

Down with democracy… up with capitalism… democracy is a form a gov’t… capitalism is a form of economy… U.S. is both… hm…
I don’t see 072 backed up sufficiently in this thread. First of all “that fake book” was created over thousands of years. It made many prophecies and they all came true. Wait what? Maybe if you read the Bible instead of wasting your time making fun of it you would actually KNOW the truth, not bs from some 16 year old trying to be cool. And yes, reading the bible, evolution is NOT contradicting to it. Dinosaurs and big bangs are not either.

It’s time to sort this with Dr. Rewrite.

“Arr, I believe Evolution has nothing to do with the big bang.”

“Evolution, is a theory, now becoming a fact, and seen as a fact.”

“Evolution, isn’t something that attacks Religion, or else that would be unconstitutional, since the Constitution gives us right to freedom of religion”

“I choose Scientology, you choose Christianity, now don’t bother me or I’ll nuke you, RAWR!”

To you, and a lot of other people in this topic, there is no God, that’s a positive hundred percent, definitive fact, and anyone who believes otherwise is crazy.

Well, like Sniper said, there IS evidence for me to believe in a God. I don’t just do so because I was always taught that as a child. It makes more sense to me than evolution.

So I have an opinion - there is a God. Which is an opinion. “There is no God” is an opinion as well, so stop walking around acting like it’s a fact.

For a few pages or whatever, people argue their opinions all nice and all, until people start to design their posts to completely piss the opposing side off. In this case, subliminally.

Please stop putting words in my mouth.

What would that be, now?

I’ll just clear up a few things here.

Seeing things as “Religion vs. Science” is basically black versus white. Come one guys, not only are there many shades of gray between, but there are also many beautiful colors, and mixtures of colors, and patterns of colors, and pictures, and everything, too.

That takes care of a whole lot of this topic. Let me explain with some examples:

It’s perfectly possible to believe in evolution, the big bang theory, and God simultaneously. They don’t contradict each other as extremists from either extreme side may lead you to believe. Heck, you could even believe in creationism along with all of these. Who says the big bang isn’t God creating the universe?

Technically I’m atheist because I don’t believe in a God, but does that mean I don’t believe anything religions have to offer? No. I was raised with Christian beliefs and messages. My thoughts have been influenced by messages and ideas from other religions. Just because I don’t believe most of the stories in the Bible were true things that happened in this universe doesn’t mean that I don’t understand what they MEAN.

Another thing I’d like to say is that we’re all right. And, my final point is, we’re all wrong.

Let’s debate about abortion.

Yay. Solved.

Oh, and, may I point out, that debating for Abortion is useless. I recently joined the Regressive party started by The Ruler Of The Universe: Maddox.

I’m neither pro choice, nor pro life. Up for killing babies! Down for abortions!

Mystery, SOLVED.

Yay! Troid92 completely understands debates! Now if only everyone else could get it.

Abortion is a choice that should be decided by the mothers, but is complicated by a ton of people arguing when a life is actually, you know, a life. I say it’s when the child is capable of conscious thought, and then they say…“Oh yeah?! Well as soon as it’s time of conception it has thought!” And then I say, “You mean before it has a brain?” And then they say…“Shut up! You’re wrong!” Yay! Intellectual debate!

The whole thought thing is one of the big ethical problems with stem-cell research and cloning and other stuff that’s already complicated.

(P.S. Would you rather watch thousands of terrible images…or be confronted by eternal blackness of the eyes?)

Cloning isn’t complicated. I cloned a cock roach. And then I spliced their DNA. Wasn’t THAT hard. How can researching Stem Cells be hard, if you are RESEARCHING them? o.O

Terrible images.

My opinion:

Abortion is murder. Of your own child.

If you don’t want to have a child, don’t have sex.

Not having sex, just to avoid a baby is a no no for a lot of people.

Sex is the closest natural thing you get to awesomness. And there are condoms so no one will just not have sex to not have a baby. NO ONE does that.

I never said a single word of that. I said that to a believer of any religion, it’s equally true as any other believer’s other religion, but to anyone OUTSIDE of any given religion, that religion is equally absurd as any other outside religion. If that makes sense.

I also never said there was no God. I said there was one, just not the self-contradictory God as depicted in a paradoxical book so many hold dear (but only when it’s convenient, of course). Why is it that whenever someone says that the Christian god is bollocks, it’s assumed that they’re entirely against the concept of a deity at all? Why do y’all tend to be so closed minded? :\

Troid wins for making a very awesome point. We’re all wrong, and we’re also all right, so the only point of a debate is the stimulation… so no hard feelings, right?

I’m pro-choice, and I’ll elaborate on that later.

  1. I’m pro choice. Overpopulation is already a problem, and creating a bunch of unwanted/retarded children isn’t going to solve that problem. It’s going to create a bunch of people that will wish they died anyway. As for the loose few that would rather be alive, that’s no different than wasting semen, or having your period. They’re just as alive in the womb as they are in the testicles, which means that arguing pro-life while not spending every waking moment of your life having sex is hypocrisy.

  2. I thought Troid was joking when he said that anyway… why are we suddenly talking about it? <_<

You also mentioned “a higher being”
Buddhism, for instance, doesn’t have any higher beings (discounting Buddha, as he was a regular human, just really wise), at least not at the core of the religion. Nor does it have a heaven or hell. Nirvana could be a heaven, I suppose, but there is definitely no hell.
So um, religion was obviously created for a reason other than to control people. I think you probably meant Christianity, yet the concept of a heaven and hell were invented hundreds (thousands?) of years before that. Judaism = Christianity.

  1. Speaking of which, how is it that so many Christians are against Judaism? Christianity follows the same laws, plus Jesus’ “HELLO, YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD JEWS”. I can understand Jews not trusting that Jesus was really a prophet, but… what the hell?
    Not even to mention the bullshit about Muslims. Can’t people accept minute differences in belief as something not to wage wars over, and not to “hate thy neighbor” about?
    Just a thought.

Why does he win? I said that first. D:


As for the abortion issue, I think it’s all, well, relative.

I mean, it definitely needs to be limited so people can’t just use it as contraception, but at the same time, it’s not fair to change and possibly ruin someone’s entire life because of one small mistake or crime (as in rape).

Neither outright banning or complete allowance will do at all.

And as for the argument of whether they’re people?

I agree with Tim.

No different than menstruation or nocturnal ejaculation or any form of sex not for procreation.