Forum Ranks

On this new Forum, the old way of ranking users based on their post count has been retired. Instead, there are now 4 defined roles, each prominently highlighted by a flair in the lower-right corner of avatars.

Prime 2D Essence

Members of The Essence are the founding fathers behind the revival of Team SCU and Prime 2D. They each have a unique identifier relating to their area of expertise. If you break the rules, they will be the ones to rain down holy fire.

Prime 2D Team

These are current members of Team SCU who have made it through our extensive recruitment process, and are currently at work on Prime 2D. They are the power behind our developmental process.

Prime 2D Recruits

These are members who we hope will bring a new energy to the project. They are currently undergoing a strenuous process dedicated to bringing only the best people into the ranks of Team SCU.

The Old Team

Historical members of Team SCU from before the project went on Ice. Although they no longer assist in the development of Prime 2D, their legacy lives on.

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