FSMR/Metroid Doom

cough cough

cough cough

sorry, i have a cold ;D

That was actually my thought…Though I did write this story well over a year ago.

…Wait. What are we talking about? I thought we were talking about Octohunter’s game where he wanted a story for how Samus got her suit back…

It’s almost Christmas for me, and I didn’t have time to put the baby metroid in the demo. So, here’s the demo.
I think most bugs have been fixed. However, the demo consists of 6 rooms, with no escape sequence. Ridley is in it, though.

Oh, and to Zurg, that idea is great. Now, to make it work, you just have to explain how an X parasite survived.

it is about her getting her suit back, it just also leaves it open to have the Hybrid in there xD

Ah, I see. Very nice, Zurg. I have a vague memory of you posting something similar to that before…and I think I said the same thing lol.

EDIT: Just played the demo, and I noticed a couple things wrong right off the bat. Don’t worry, they’re just little fixes.

Didn’t check to see if you had customizable controls, but spacebar should always have a purpose, whether it be fire or jump (this is opinion, not fact).

On to the real problems:

  1. When turning on Missles, the beams are all reset to off.
  2. You can have spazer and plasma on at the same time (not sure if this is intentional)
  3. While running, you cannot look diagonally using A and S.
  4. When pushing SHIFT, I could only access missles (again, not sure if this is intentional)
  5. Missles have no fire trail (I can understand this. You just wanted to give out a demo. In fact, all of these bugs are understandable).
  6. I know this is a demo, and I’m gonna have to play through it without all the beams on, cause I fired at Ridley, like, twice, and then he faded away into nothingness, which is understandable. I mean, you’re not supposed to have that kind of firepower in the beginning.

Other than those few bugs, it looked very good, and even polished a bit. Your physics looked exemplary, and even though I didn’t actually try bomb-jumping, your bombs looked like they had a good amount of momentum, which I applaud.

Okay, all the weapons/items/upgrades are SUPPOSED to be enabled, to give the demo some kind of replay value(and show off the engine). Kudos to anyone who can take no hits when fighting Ridley, yet beat him with the Power Beam. Spazer and Plasma are supposed to combine. Shift is only supposed to access Missiles. Locking with A and S will be put in sometime in the future.

Oh, and did you like the subscreen?

The subscreen was nice.

Okay, so many of the items I mentioned were intentional. Cool. That means less work for you. Congrats.

EDIT: Noticed another bug. If you charge up a shot, and walk through a door, you can’t move until you let up on the arrow key.