game charachters that must die

hehe, nice, i personally think mine is better

anyways, anyone else kinda dislike the new castlevania characters? they went from a serious almost gothic style drawings, to half-assed humor anime looks.

once again, i blame all that is evil on anime…

anime and clowns…

for those about to correct me…

no…bad…anime is awesome…learn…

anime is a bunch of perverted japanese people drawing half naked schoolgirls, cliched storyline and crap dialogue.

steriotypical…thats like 5% of anime…but i have my opinion and u have urs so ya lets leave it like that

meh, okay, sounds good enough.

so you still think the castlevania DS needed work with characters? it seemed a bit silly at times, kinda ruining the whole castlevania feel (which should feel very on edge at points, and serious, relying mainly on familiar legend that isn’t trying to be “fresh” )

also, i dont know why they keep making the castle in japan, isn’t it supposed to be in transylvania or europe or somewhere spooky?

i dont think japan has quite as much area for it to be a remote place that makes calling police to shoot stuff impossible…

anyways, what you think about how castlevania is going?

ive never played a castlevania game in my life.


lol, you need to play castlevania: symphony of the night, it is very good.

hope you can get your hands on it though, lol.

k this just came up in my mind…i don’t mean to bring it back up…but theres lots of different styles of anime…its not like this cartonny stuff your talking about is all of it

yeah, or course there are some exceptions, nothing is black and white.

most mangas are black and white =)

and that stuff in castlevania isn’t anime… anime is a manga thats now a show…mangas are comics i ges…

…wait, isn’t there a way to classify that specific style of drawing?

anyways, to keep relevant, i would like to add a note that i think only the original 2d sonic, tails, and knuckles deserve to be real sonic hedgehog characters, everything else is watered down gameplay.

hey, anyone ever tried that gametap thing?

im not getting it, just wondering.

ill stop going off topic after this…i think the only ways to properly say it would be “manga style art” or “anime style art”…but its not gonna kill anyone to just plain say “anime”

i think theres one style called geo or something wierd tho

whats your take on rayman…

never played it, and you?

heavy breathing
2d ones-suck
inovative-no its pretty much any old platform

huh, doesn’t phase me, i really never played nor planned on playing it, lol.

mother brain is already dead you moron

Sorry for the off topic-ness but that’s just plain awsome, especially because I know where it came from. Go take some names and kick some ass, soldier! And have some good coffee while you’re at it! :smiley:

Ok, my only 2 cents on anime: I hate it because of hentai. It’s the #1 source of illustarted porn anywhere. To me, that’s saying there isn’t much dignity in it, regardless of what you’re actually drawing. It’s tainted. Oh yes, and it doesn’t seem too hard to draw either. Why do you think there are so damned many shows out there?

I never played Rayman. Well, ok, I played it for 2 minutes on the GBA once. It didn’t seem innovative or fun at all.

I love Rayman I played it non-stop on my cousin’s laptop when I was in Europe two years ago. But I have to say one thing, Dark Samus and SA-X must die. Oh, and Waluigi must die and Wario must get back to his roots of Super Mario Land 2 as a cynical bad-ass made of evil and awesome.

Ditto,He’s not trying anymore…

well i think warios awsome, and i love the wario games. he does eat to much pies though.