
What I’m saying is that if you leave guns for the military to have, and take them away from the people, then the military (or any other armed group) could do whatever it wants to the people.

If there were no guns at all, the world would be worse. Most people are too dense to understand this, but where would we be without guns? Without a suitable gun in people’s hands, a single grizzly bear could eat hundreds of people if it was hungry. I mean, what could we do, besides building a fire? Poke it with a spear? Maybe it will thank you by tearing your head off (Fun Fact- A polar bear (or grizzly) can fit a fully grown husky’s (or wolf) midsection in its mouth, and proceed to bite cleanly through the whole animal, ribs, muscle, organs, spine, and all). Among bows, only MODERN compound bows have the energy to penetrate a bear’s extremely tough skin, muscle and bones, and even then, something we call a .300 Winchester Magnum could do the job much more effectively about 300 yards away, compared to 30.

That is just one tiny example. There are animals even stronger and more fearsome than bears out there, also (cough elephant cough). People couldn’t just subdue animals like they can now. Without a fire (or firearms), we would be the ones being subdued.

EDIT- Oh, and thanks for backing me up on the Hitler comment, Troid92.

if we didnt have guns we would still be using swords/asex/spears/ and other medeival crap.

Hey, lets shoot us some of them polarbears…

pff Rednecks.

Have you even encountered a bear in the wild? (and not shot at the poor thing?)

Well well… at least it’s fun to read what brainwashed americans type.

(You should’nt shoot polarbears, just scare them. A couple of dogs will scare a single polar bear away. Hunting for food is ok, but for fun… that’s just idiotic)

like they have feelings to. lmao. But seriously you dont need a gun to kill an animal.

I haven’t been tricked into that american crap.

good for you. So when is the debate gonna be over. Probably very soon right? Really its the persons opinion about wrather they should take guns away or not. But its the governments decision so we cant really just say"Alright no more guns, YIPEEE!"

you CAN…but…yeah…we would all laugh…i personally think that guns are kinda like women…

cant live with them…cant live without them…

I can guarantee you that if I shot at a bear, I would hit and kill the thing. After all, the .300 Winchester Magnum is one powerful cartridge. It also helps that I’m a good shot.

Okay, go kill a half ton animal that is ten feet long with a dinky little spear. What do you mean you can’t do that? A polar bear isn’t afraid of other animals. They may not want to be around them, but they are smart enough to know that any other animal can be taken care of by them if there is a good reason. Over a carcass or other good food supply, a polar bear would kill a few dogs just to keep its meal. A polar bear is only afraid of one thing, and that is man. Even then, they aren’t afraid enough for their own good when we have effective firearms. Without guns, all people could do to a bear was to scare it away with fire. Without firearms, bears couldn’t be quickly and permanantly controlled like they can now. I mean, bears used to be all over the place. People now, for the most part, have no concept of what it must have been like 200 years ago. Heck, I can hardly imagine it only because of my hunting experiences. Now, we can dispatch the thing when it gets too cocky for its own good, or, if it is a game animal and in season, if we feel like it.

And cut the animal rights junk. A very intelligent… being… said that the Earth was for man to inhabit and subdue, not to submit to.

Besides, if you don’t keep an animal’s population down, and you have cleared most large predators out of the area (i.e.- almost all of America) then they will starve slowly to death, left to their own devices. What Hunters do, when kept in reason, is to help animals, not to hurt them. Would you rather spend one minute in pain, or weeks and weeks?

Hell, Butch, you’ve probably never even seen a squirrel that wasn’t tame enough to eat five yards away from you. If you think I’m brainwashed, maybe you should take a peek inside your own cranium. Maybe in worse shape than you thought.

Hey, though. Come back to me when you know how to sneak 500 yards through woods to a turkey with senses of sight and hearing completely superior to yours, using wit alone to make it to within 30 yards of an animal with 100% superior senses (minus smell) to yours. Don’t forget however- it is in the middle of an open plain (which borders on continously thinning woods), on a small hill, constantly scanning the woods for danger. And you have to hold still once there, waiting for it to place itself within a shotgun’s pitiful range. A person like you (as in, one that is about as harmonious with nature as a firing .50 BMG), well of course hasn’t a clue of understanding. What can you expect, you are brainwashed, after all.

Anyone as stupid as you who presumes to have an inkling of understanding of how nature works is in for a big surprise next time they even set foot into wooded land. Heck, you call hunters rednecks, but you don’t even know how to hunt. I’d love to see you sight in a rifle. But wait. You probably think we would hunt a polar bear with machine guns, right?

there is no nature anymore buddy, the bear thing is irrelevant, since of course none of you will actually see a wild bear in real life (or the chances are extremely rare), really, who cares about the guns, we dont need guns on here, and the argument doesn’t really matter.

…if everybody just stays quiet, i can destroy this topic with my mind, just give me some time…

That is my point. Guns are the reason bears (and accompanying wilderness) aren’t everywhere now. You are proving my point for me by not comprehending.

And yes, some wilderness is still left.

You are welcome to Arjeplog, Sweden if you want to hunt with me. We usually hunt moose and deers, but sometimes we hunt wolves and bears too (when they almost move in your house or start to eat your cows/sheeps/pigs). We only kill them if we really have to.

Here, we hunt for food, and Arjeplog is a little town in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by miles of forrest and water. I think I have a clue how nature works.

I don’t call hunters rednecks, just idiots that kills animals just because they can. If you scare them enough, then you will not have to shoot them. dumb american

So… have you encountered a bear in the wild without a rifle? I have, and I am verry much alive. When you live sp close to nature as I do, you learn how to survive in it too. I like animals (I like to eat them to), but I only hunt them because of the meat-price here in EU. It’s expensive, and people from south of Sweden kan pay around $40 for a kilo (about two pounds) of moose meat.

The difference between you and me is that I respect the animals, I’m not afraid of them.

(And, yes I know how to use rifles and handguns… stupid american)

Also I’d like to add that even if animals do become a threat, there’s no way the number of deaths from animal attacks will reach as high as the number of deaths from gunfire.

And we’re not even considering taking away guns from the world completely as an option, so I don’t see why we’re arguing about it anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean, that would mean no Metroid D:

yeah, lets just agree on this one…fuck-it, lol!


Ah. I don’t live in bear country, but I have had opportunities to go after one (as in, I used to live where there are bears).

I don’t strictly hunt for food, but for food that is unobtainable elsewhere, or only in “okay” quality. I don’t know much about the game in Sweden, but I think that the wild turkey doesn’t live there. Am I right? Anyways, about the meat. In North America, turkey is available to be bought. However, this meat isn’t quite comparable to the real wild one. For too much money, you can buy a turkey. Or, for the price of a turkey shell, you can kill one yourself. See what I mean?

Also, deer venison is among the best meat there is, when properly prepared, which you probably know. I don’t know about Sweden (but you did say moose was sold, so…), but deer venison isn’t legal to sell here. So, I get my own.

Mind you, everything I kill is eaten, excepting varmints, or ruined meat due to where the animal was shot. Varmints, such as coyotes and crows, aren’t that great of table fare. In fact, the only reason we expend a .223 on them is that they are well, pests.

I don’t kill animals just for the heck of it. If I end one’s life, you can trust that there is a reason for it.

But you can trust that I respect nature. That is what seperates me from morons who really do kill animals for absolutely no reason.

Sorry about the above post. I’m truly getting too used to people who actually don’t know anything about these matters.

Good hunting.

Omega, cut the spam. Butch, stop trolling your anti-American sentiments.

…I’m getting sick of having to post warnings against certain actions here. If this keeps up, them thar topic’s gettin’ a lock put on it, bubba jean.

guns are good in good hands, to put it plainly. there is Gun Safety classes for a reason, and required certificates to own and use them. i love shooting handguns at the range.

Its definetly a stress reliever. Fine the spam will stop. Since a R-Bomb will soon be dropped on the planet Guns and criminals should be the least of our problems.


i just dont think guns are the problem, its the people that somehow get access to them.

So better background checks are necessary? I take sharpshooting class.