Hello Phlakes

Oh look. it’s an octopus. also, hi :smiley:

I am an Octopus.

You are an octopus. Your should not become an inactive user.


I don’t know what you’re talking about. :naughty:

Nor do I. You should see a therapist.

Mod logs ftw. :stuck_out_tongue:

And is it just me, or is it odd that the 2 new guys are more active than most the rest of the place combined? :neutral_face:

God damnit Zurg, lern2mod.
The point is not to oBnOxIuSlY wRiTe ShIt FoR nO rEaSoN eXcEpT tO “styalais” u’re stuf bcuz u tink ur trine 2 b edjee n trine 2 giv ur postz karaktur
Not that you’re not allowed to imitate accents in occasional posts. The spirit of the law is intended to deter people who do:
This: really long sentences that contain multiple disconnected thoughts but are all lumped together into one sentence and attempt to string everything together because the person is too lazy or too lacking in grade school education to make an effort to learn to use punctuation and generally has no regard for how interested people would be in reading his posts or how much people could take away from it in terms of effective communication with his audience in spite of all of the effort he or she puts into writing because it is obvious that it takes a lot of time to write this much text but the confusion that stems from the blatant transgression of the guidelines of grammar and punctuation makes all of the effort wasted and really entirely defeats the purpose of the attempt to convey information by writing on this message board
This: Stylizations That Make The Post Harder To Read But Are Intended To Be Perceived As Expressions Of The Uniqueness Of A Person’s Character
This: POSTS!!! :confused: :confused: :confused: WITH WAY FUCK :angry: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: ING TOO GODDAMN :smiley:> :smiley:> :smiley:> :smiley:> MANY FUCKING :laughing: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :frowning: SMILIES THAT :neutral_face: :imp: MAKE YOUR :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: BRAIN EXPLODE :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: AND HOLY SHIT :blush: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :frowning: OVERFLOW OF GODDAMN INFORMATION :wink: :slight_smile:

Anyway. Carry on. But Ahctapuzzez are fine. The point is to convey something (a humorous accent). It’s not a superfluous stylization or an impedance of communication. Peace.

It’s called sarcasm Timmeh, lern2fun.

As far as I can tell, I never told them to stop, nor did I tell them to edit their posts. :unamused:

Quoting the rules isn’t fun, it’s Republican.

^I lol’d for some reason… :>_>:

Anyway hi new guys.I’m that guy no one knows but is somewhat active…Hello.


Metroid Commander
Syntax Man

Minus one, plus three.

As I restate, I have no idea what you guys are talking about. Wink

Holy crap Phlakes, you just posted, like, 5 seconds before I posted. Holy shit.

Edit button! Quick, before a mod comes!

Delete one post and put the text from it in the other one.

Or someone will be angry for you double posting.

What are you talking about? WINKWINK

I dunno, WINK WINK.

wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink WINK OVERLOAD! it burns!!!

No, that’s me.

now if only we could add troid to that list…