I hate the Omega Pirate

O_o…head asplodes

Notice the “Probably not” in my post… :stuck_out_tongue: But since the pics at the official MP site are messed up, I don’t think that’s true. I guess OP’s about Kraid’s size.

ya… i dont mean to go off topic but does anyone have any tips to kill boost guardian in mp2:e

watch the fuck out for the boost ball, it does crazy damage, and stick to light beam if possible.

also, you can get health from enemies when needed.

boost ball boss was a bit troublesome for me too.

when you need energy, hide behind the pillers, and his boost ball is more likely to kill it and reveal a large energy tank inside.

also, when in the liquid form, go into morph ball and lay bombs to make him reform.

yeah that boss was crazy. i thought to use super missiles the first time, which proved less effective. >_>

yeah, listen to hairy, i havn’t played prime 2 since it came out.

i can still tell you about the final bosses though, i remember my teq for that.

well, i played through again on hard mode, and killed omega in 3:76 minutes use power bombs. i lost 1 tank, just out of beam troopers. i dont think the wavebuster does much damage, i only used it for 3 seconds or so. im still experimenting on different ways to kill him.

i actually havnt even beat prime.

just boost ball guardian was the hardest for me so far, so i can give some good tips to others =)

lol, i remember only the final 2 bosses.

for the last form of the ing, i figured out i could just spin attack him for a bunch of damage, made it extremely easy to beat him (do it when he dashes at you)

the emperor ing? you can screw attack him??? omg?

Yeah. Too bad this topic is for talking about the OP, not the bosses in Echoes, huh?

I keep losing! But now i beat him in 2,3 trys.

your spoiling the game for me :cry:

yeah, that was my reaction when it took away 1/8 to 1/4 his health

haha i so have to try that. thats pretty cool. lol reminds me of when i tried to screw attack Quadraxis. >_> (didnt quite work)