Metroid Legends Series

Meh. I haven’t played the second one yet.

Wow, thanks. I forgot that there was more than one door x_x;

Somebody should make a walkthrough.

You read my mind! Ima do that…right now…since I just beat it <_<

I only got 91% in 23 minutes I suck dont I?
number one was better except for the last boss the game isnt verry good quality either.
the one thing better about #2 was the phazon meta ridley boss it looked dapown but anyway. The things you should Improve on before anything else is make it better quality trust me people would like it alot more and why dont enimes at least flash when you shoot them I mean it would be better.

lol… hive mecha wannabe… lol

Lazy/10. And for the walkthrough, don’t forget anything.

I just noticed this game comes after fusion and you dont have the fusion suit its sort of not well done and there are no cut scenes nor good starting it at least deserves a good begining scene. nad why cant you destroy ridley the first time you fight him?

Why couldn’t you destroy Meta Ridley the first time you seen him in MP1? Because it would pretty much ruin the game (notice Samus goes to Talon IV because she needed a ground beacon or whatever it was called), Ridley was your first opponent and so your main target. Yes, these games do come after Fusion, but her suit was repaired. Remember the good Fusion endings? Samus has no physical change, it was just her suit. To put it simply, her suit was repaired to its original status. (which also explains the phazon-wannabe suit at the very beginning :smiley: )

<_< Where should I post the walkthrough?

I think both games are well-done, considering they are Fangames. Cut-scenes are also difficult to create, seeing as how you have too many options on how to make the cutscene and where to even place it.

Where do you go after power bombs, ridley and kraid?

Thanks for your support! Why not post the walkthrough on GraniteOdysey’s forum? :smiley:

You’ll have to wait for a friendly passerby or Enzd’s walkthrough for that :slight_smile:

Stop being so tight-lipped about everything. Sheesh.

:confused: I never remember Retro telling you what to do to get something [for free], and since I can’t get payed for this I won’t say anything :slight_smile:

Retro is part of Nintendo, and Nintendo releases player’s guides. But you’re right, you aren’t getting payed.

Her suit certainly was not restored! The Power Suit was destroyed, replaced by the Flight Suit that you begin Fusion with. At the end of Fusion, you aquire the Fusion Suit. Yeah, it’s orange, but it’s NOT the Varia. The Power Suit is lost forever.

Yes, but i dont think that nintendo will stick with the fusion suit.
Why havent they made a sequal to fusion yet?
Instead they are working on the prime series.

If they continue making Metroid games, they’re gonna have to start making sequels to Fusion. There’s only so much time between Metroid and Metroid II.

Erm, my comp’s power source blew out, so the walkthrough will be post-poned x_x The comp I’m using is really slow, and the games won’t even run on it, so I can’t type the wt from here ;_;

I’m 100% sure the flight suit debuted in Zero Mission after Samus’ original ship was destroyed, and 90% sure that on Fusion it was called the Power Suit. The reason for this being that the metroid DNA fused into the Power Suit at the same points it was integrated into Samus’ body. And with the good endings, she must’ve got the suit off somehow and there’s no doubt about that, so either the suit was destroyed or repaired and for my story i chose repaired

Can someone answer my question?