Metroid Prime Hunters

I hope that MPH will have a large single-player adventure in it that will be very similar to Prime. Otherwise I am NOT buying it! The range is too small.

EDIT: I guess the fact that it has built in wireless is OK. But it would be nice if nintendo announced connectivity to the internet!

Hey it has built in wireless. That’s pretty good already.

Dunno about Internet connectivity, but I heard somewhere (on the Nintendo NSider Forums) that Nintendo’s making a special adapter that extends the wireless rate. Nobody knows to what range it will go to, but fingers are starting to point to 500 to 1000 feet.

But let’s all keep hoping for DS Internet connectivity! 8)

I hope Nintendo makes special internet stations for the DS. Like places where you could bring your DS and play across a network.
EDIT: 1337 Pirate!!!

I believe you can connect to hotspots (not sure)

the ds already has a built in wifi that can connect to the internet. if you have a wifi enabled router you can connect to the internet, or you could go to a place like starbucks. The only problem is right now that no games actually use the internet to play.

Yeah. Nintendo’s too lazy to make games like that. :confused:

First Hunt was ok… but the controls were hard!
Anyways, do not use Electro-Lob at close range, it hurts you too!
Hopefully the game will be great, but its a Metroid game so of course it will be GREAT!

Way to revive an old topic… anyway you don`t have to use the stylus that makes the controls easy.

Edit: Metroid Omega, Your Sig says that you have all the Metroid games except the ones on the Nes and Snes, how about Metroid 2 for the gameboy?

I know i use the controls that dont need the stylus, and they are still difficult, but im learning them. :smiley:

Oh… those controls are more like a 007 style shooter. So I think they are easy because I love James Bond.

Are they really easy because you love James Bond, or the fact that you play all the games?

If you loved Goldeneye, then you’ll love the Timesplitters series as well. The 2nd and 3rd games are on GC, and the first is on PS2 and Dreamcast. Check those out.

Both. i`ve only played Agent under fire and Everything or Nothing. Which is by the way really stinkin awesome.

Diablo said

I wonder how the game got the title.

Maybe from the theme song.

Or maybe the dialouge

I just hope this game doesn’t come out to be Metroid Prime: 007.

No… that would be cool… but, no. Anyway the controls that was the same was the jump and shoot buttons.

Metroid Prime: 007 would not be cool. A hybrid Metroid/007 without the Metroid name would be cool.
SCU got haxored!